Friday, 14 April 2017

Equity Trading System Architektur

2. November 2016 16. November 2016 VIA Equity gewinnt den DVCA Award 8211 Private Equity Firm des Jahres 2016 Wir freuen uns, Ihnen mitteilen zu können, dass das VIA Equity auf der Jahrestagung der DVCA (The Danish Venture Capital) zum Private Equity Firm des Jahres 2016 ernannt wurde Und Private Equity Association) am 1. November 2016. Das VIA Equity Team ist stolz auf die dritte DVCA Statuette in unserer 10-jährigen Geschichte sagt John Helmse-Zinck, geschäftsführender Gesellschafter bei VIA Equity. 18. Oktober 2016 18. Oktober 2016 Via Venture Partners wird VIA Equity Wir freuen uns, Ihnen mitteilen zu können, dass Via Venture Partners den Namen VIA Equity wechselt. Die Veränderung ist auf den Wunsch, einen Namen zu erhalten, der die Aktivitäten des Unternehmens genauer abdeckt. VIA Eigenkapitalstrategie, Struktur und Aktivitäten bleiben unverändert. 17. Oktober 2016 19. Oktober 2016 Frontmatec verkauft an SAIC Holding VIA hat Frontmatec, einen marktführenden Anbieter von Automatisierungs - und Softwarelösungen für die Versorger-, Lebensmittel - und Fertigungsindustrie, an die Axcels-Portfoliounternehmen SAIC Holding verkauft. Mit VIA und wichtigen Mitarbeitern als Besitzer seit 2011 hat Frontmatec seine führende Position in Automatisierung und Software durch eine Add-on-Akquisition Ende 2013 unter anderem verstärkt gestärkt. Der Verkauf unterliegt der Genehmigung der Zollbehörde. Oktober 11, 2016 19. Oktober 2016 UVdata an KMD VIA verkauft und wichtige Mitarbeiter haben UVdata, einen führenden Anbieter innovativer Softwareprodukte an den dänischen Bildungssektor, an KMD, eines der größten IT - und Softwareunternehmen von Dänemark8217, verkauft. UVdata ist im Besitz von VIA, dem CEO Jan Gaardboe Jensen und einer Reihe von Schlüsselmitarbeitern seit 2013. Während der VIAs Besitzzeit hat das Unternehmen eine rasante Entwicklung durchgemacht und hat sich zu einem führenden Anbieter auf dem dänischen Markt für Softwarelösungen für die Bildungssektor. Heute gehören UVdatas-Kunden die Mehrheit der dänischen Gemeinden und einen bedeutenden Anteil an den privaten Privatschulen der Länder. 26. September 2016 19. Oktober 2016 VIA8217s Portfolio-Unternehmen Nets wurde auf Nasdaq Copenhagen gelistet Am Freitag, 23. September, wurde VIA8217s Portfolio-Unternehmen Nets erfolgreich auf Nasdaq Copenhagen gelistet. VIA investierte in Nets im Jahr 2014, als VIA zusammen mit ATP-PEP, Advent International und Bain Capital Nets von einer Gruppe von Banken erworben. Während des Besitzes hat Nets die Position als führendes nordisches Zahlungsunternehmen mit kommerziellen, kundenorientierten und innovativen Lösungen bei digitalen Zahlungen gewonnen. VIAs John Helmse-Zinck war während der Investitionsperiode ein aktives Vorstandsmitglied der Nets Holding AS (und wie geplant als Vorstandsmitglied am Morgen des Börsengangs). Um die Pressemitteilung zu sehen, bitte hier klicken. 4. Juli 2016 19. Oktober 2016 PFA und ATP engagieren sich im VIA Equity Fund III PFA und ATP als gleichberechtigte Partner sind die Anleger im neuen VIA Equity Fund III KS. Das Engagement des neuen VIA-Aktienfonds III beträgt 1 Mrd. DKK nach der gleichen Struktur und Größe wie der VIA Equity Fund I amp II. Die Anlagestrategie wird unverändert bleiben als ein mehrstufiges Private-Equity-Unternehmen mit Schwerpunkt auf norduropäischen Software-, Technologie - und Dienstleistungsunternehmen, dh Investitionen in Großunternehmen wie Netze, Neas Energy und KMD sowie kleine und mittelständische Wachstumsunternehmen, wie sie in den vier letztgenannten Investitionen: ALLE NRG Gruppe, Profit Software, EnviDan und Mansoft. Die PFA Pension wurde 1917 als eigenständiges Unternehmen gegründet und verfügt über rund 1,1 Millionen Einzelkunden aus einer breiten Palette der größten Unternehmen und Organisationen in Dänemark. PFA hat mehr als 500 Milliarden DKK unter Management. ATP gegründet 1964 ist ein obligatorisches Sparplan mit fast fünf Millionen Mitgliedern und hat mehr als 700 Milliarden DKK unter Management. 3. Juli 2016 28. September 2016 Envidan erwirbt norwegischen Momentum Selvkost Mit der Übernahme von Momentum Selvkost EnviDan wird ein wahrhaft skandinavisches Beratungsunternehmen in der Abwasserbehandlung, in der Kanalisation, in der Wasserversorgung und im Biogas. Momentum bedient 60 aller norwegischen Gemeinden und wird eine starke Wachstumsplattform für EnviDan in Norwegen sein. 3. Mai 2016 19. Oktober 2016 VIA investiert in Mansoft, EURO-CONSULT und SoftwareCentral VIA investiert in Mansoft AS, EURO-CONSULT AS und SoftwareCentral ApS, die ergänzende Dienstleistungen auf der Basis technologischer Kompetenz in der IT-Infrastrukturberatung und Microsoft SCCM bieten Als Software mit einer Web-Schnittstelle für SCCM und damit verbundene Dienstleistungen. Die Unternehmen arbeiten bereits eng zusammen, und die Gründer und das Management haben sich entschlossen, ihre Aktivitäten in einer neuen Gruppe im Zusammenhang mit VIAs-Investitionen zusammenzuführen, um ihren Kunden in Zukunft noch besser dienen zu können. Alle ehemaligen Besitzer und vier weitere wichtige Mitarbeiter werden neben VIA investieren und investieren. Die Integration der drei Unternehmen erfolgt in einem laufenden Prozess in Zusammenarbeit mit Kunden, Mitarbeitern und Partnern. 2. Mai 2016 19. Oktober 2016 DdD Retail AS verkauft an K3 Business Technology Group PLC Die Gesellschafter der Holdinggesellschaft des DdD Retail AS (nachfolgend DdD) haben am 29. April DDD an die britische Softwarefirma K3 Business Technology Group PLC verkauft Transaktion mit einem Unternehmenswert von DdD bis zu einem DKK von 74 Mio. je nach einem operativen Ergebnis von 8,2 Mio. DKK. VIA führte den Transaktionsprozess im Auftrag der verkaufenden Aktionäre durch. DdD bietet Einzelhandel in einer Box, eine einfache, Plug-and-Play-Lösung, die Hardware, Software, eLearning und Support kombiniert. Das All-Inclusive-Angebot ist wolkenbasiert und ist funktional reichhaltig für POS, Bestandskontrolle, Klickverstärkung, Reporting und Kundenbindung. Die DdD-Lösung konzentriert sich vor allem auf Modehändler. Mit mehr als 25 Jahren Erfahrung und einer etablierten Basis von 1.800 Filialen mit 2.500 Anlagen betreibt DdD in Dänemark, Deutschland, Schweden und Norwegen. Kurt Thomsen, einer der Gründer: VIA hat im Auftrag aller Aktionäre in diesem Exit-Prozess eine enorme Anstrengung unternommen, und wir als Gründer sind für die Energie, die Erfahrung und die Fähigkeit von VIA sehr dankbar. VIA investierte neben den Gründern im Jahr 2007 und obwohl die Finanzkrise das Kundensegment im Jahr 2008 sehr hart getroffen hat und in den folgenden Jahren hat VIA gemeinsam mit dem Management-Team die DdD in die führende Technologie - und Support-Plattform in dieser Nische entwickelt. DDDs CEO Peder Falck fährt fort: Obwohl wir weit gekommen sind, um die beste Lösung für unsere Kunden zu bieten, begrüßen wir K3 als die neuen Besitzer. Das Timing ist richtig, da DdD eine attraktive und einzigartige erstklassige moderne Lösung hat und K3 hat die Größe, große Kundenwissen und allgemeine Nischen-Software-Markt-Know-how. Die Kombination der beiden Unternehmen ist sehr mächtig und eine starke Offensive bewegen. VIA ist mit der Transaktion sehr zufrieden: Kein Zweifel, dass K3 der richtige Partner für DdD ist, um die beeindruckende Entwicklung des Unternehmens fortzusetzen und zu beschleunigen. Dies war das richtige Timing und Match für die Aktionäre, sagt John Helmse-Zinck, Managing Partner bei VIA. Die Verkäufer wurden von der Kanzlei Kromann Reumert und PwC beraten. April 21, 2016 19. Oktober 2016 VIA führt den Verkauf von Neas Energy AS an Centrica Die Aktionäre von Neas Energy AS (nachstehend Neas) haben heute beschlossen, Neas an die britische Energiegruppe Centrica in einer Transaktion mit einem Unternehmenswert von Neas zu verkaufen 1,8 Mrd. DKK und geschätzter Eigenkapitalwert von c. DKK 1,9 Milliarden. VIA führte den Transaktionsvorgang im Auftrag der verkaufenden Aktionäre durch. Der Erwerb unterliegt der Überprüfung und Genehmigung durch die EU-Wettbewerbsbehörden. Neas ist eines der führenden Energieversorgungs - und Handelsunternehmen Europas. Neas beschäftigt derzeit mehr als 250 Mitarbeiter in Aalborg, Stockholm, Hamburg, Dsseldorf und London. Das Unternehmen betreibt auf 18 Strom - und Gasmärkten in Europa. Darüber hinaus besteht Neas aktuelles Asset Management Portfolio aus mehr als 8.600 MW installierter Energieerzeugung. Im Jahr 2015 hatte Neas einen Umsatz von 20,4 Mrd. DKK und erzielte ein EBITDA von 12,5 Mio. DKK. Im Juni 2015 führte VIA eine Gesamtinvestition von 500 Mio. DKK in Neas ein. VIA und ATP investierten 250 Mio. im Eigenkapital und ATP bot Darlehen in Höhe von 250 Mio. DKK an. Vor-Transaktion Neas Aktionärsgruppe bestand aus VIA Equity Fund II KS, ATP, Eigild B. Christensen, Dreisler Invest und wichtige Mitarbeiter. Neas war eine kurze, aber sehr erfolgreiche Investition für VIA und ich bin überzeugt, dass Centrica der richtige Besitzer ist, um das anhaltende internationale Wachstum zu sichern. Wir haben viele Ziele erreicht, die wir in Neas investierten, und wir finden es daher optimal zu verkaufen. Wir waren mit unseren kombinierten Aktien - und Kreditinvestitionen in Neas sehr zufrieden und erwarten, dass wir in Zukunft noch viele weitere Investitionen tätigen werden, sagt Peter Thorlund Haahr, Partner bei VIA. Es war eine spannende Reise mit dem talentierten Neas-Team in den letzten 5 Jahren. Es war das Richtige, VIA zu investieren, um in Neas vor einem Jahr zu investieren. Die Besitzer und die Geschäftsleitung wurden durch VIAs Kompetenzen und Energie gut ergänzt und gemeinsam konnten wir in relativ kurzer Zeit einen bedeutenden Wert schaffen. Ich bin zuversichtlich, dass Centrica der richtige Käufer für Neas ist und dass das Spiel den Fortschritt des starken Wachstumspfads sichern wird. Sagt Eigild B. Christensen. Der Erwerb ist Gegenstand der Überprüfung durch die EU-Wettbewerbsbehörden und die Transaktion steht noch aus. Die Transaktion wird voraussichtlich im August 2016 abgeschlossen sein. Während des Transaktionsprozesses beriet Kromann Reumert den Aktionären von Neas. 15. Januar 2016 28. September 2016 ALLE NRG-Gruppe rekrutiert neuen CEO von Siemens Wind Power AS Am 1. März 2016 wird Ken Soerensen, derzeit Senior Vice President bei Siemens Wind Power AS, CEO der ALL NRG Group. Seit vier Jahren ist Ken Soerensen Leiter der Global Product Line Service Wind bei Siemens Wind Power. Ken Soerensen hat einen umfangreichen internationalen Hintergrund bei Broen AS und der Boston Consulting Group. Mit der Weiterentwicklung von ALL NRG im Auge, ist es ein Vergnügen zu verkünden, dass Ken Soerensen den Job als CEO von ALL NRG Group akzeptiert hat. In den kommenden Jahren sehen wir ein starkes Wachstum des Konzerns und Kens einzigartige Einblicke in den Dienstleistungsmarkt von seiner Zeit mit Siemens Wind Power wird in unserer zukünftigen Strategiearbeit entscheidend sein, sagt Peter Thorlund Haahr, Vorstandsvorsitzender der ALL NRG Group. Ken ist ein erfahrener Geschäftsmann mit großer analytischer Kapazität und er hat die Willenskraft und die Fähigkeit zur Ausführung. Mit Kens soliden Führungskräften und starken Kommunikationsfähigkeiten haben wir den richtigen Mann gefunden, der uns dabei helfen kann, den nächsten Schritt zum führenden Anbieter kompetenter Lösungen für die Energiewirtschaft zu machen, Peter Thorlund Haahr geht weiter. ALLE NRG-Gruppe ist ein spannendes Setup mit großem Wachstumspotenzial, das ich sehr gerne bin. Während meiner Zeit bei Siemens Wind Power habe ich gesehen, wie wichtig es bei kompetenten Subunternehmern ist, die den OEMs dabei helfen können, die Kosten der Windenergie zu senken. Ich kenne schon einige der Firmen innerhalb der ALLE NRG Gruppe von der Kundenseite, und ich halte sie in ihren jeweiligen Bereichen sehr kompetent. Alle Unternehmen innerhalb ALL NRG verfügen über starke Erfolgsbilanzen als unabhängige Unternehmen, und es gibt erhebliche Synergien zwischen ihnen, die nach vorn ausgenutzt werden können. Ich glaube, es ist ein Konsolidierungsbedarf in der Branche, und ich finde die Idee hinter ALL NRG 8211 ein Unternehmen mit vielen komplementären Kompetenzen 8211 als sehr visionär, sagt Ken Srensen. Ich glaube an Partnerschaften. Auf der Grundlage der Kompetenzen, die ALL NRG bereits besitzt und die Pläne, die ich mit dem Aufsichtsrat besprochen habe, bin ich zuversichtlich, dass ich dazu beitragen kann, dass die NRG Group in den kommenden Jahren einen noch attraktiveren Partner macht, fügt Ken Soerensen hinzu. 16. Dezember 2015 Nets investiert in schnell wachsenden Storebox Nets hat eine Vereinbarung zum Erwerb einer Mehrheitsbeteiligung an Storebox, einem in Dänemark ansässigen Anbieter von digitalen Quittungslösungen, unterzeichnet. Die Vereinbarung beinhaltet eine Kapitalerhöhung, die den Weg für weiteres Wachstum ebnet und dafür sorgt, dass wichtige Mitarbeiter bei der Gesellschaft bleiben und an der Weiterentwicklung teilnehmen. Mit über 350.000 aktiven Nutzern hat Storebox bereits in Dänemark große Erfolge erzielt und baut derzeit seine Positionen in Norwegen und Schweden auf. Die Akquisition stärkt das Nets8217-Angebot von handelsbezogenen Dienstleistungen für Unternehmen, das ein wichtiges Segment für Nets und Storebox ist. Um die vollständige Pressemitteilung auf Dänisch zu lesen, bitte hier klicken. 4. Dezember 2015 Adform erhöht 20 Millionen Euro zur Finanzierung des globalen Wachstums Die Adform, die unabhängige und offene Full-Stack-Ad-Tech-Plattform, hat 20 Millionen Euro als Finanzierungsanleihefinanzierung von Danica, der skandinavischen Pensionskasse, angekündigt. Der Fonds in Höhe von 20 Mio. EUR wird genutzt, um das globale Wachstum von Adform fortzusetzen, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf der US-amerikanischen Marktdurchdringung liegt, neben der Schaffung, Entwicklung und Einführung neuer datengetriebener, innovativer und innovativer Ad-Technologie-Produkte zur weiteren Verbesserung der Adforms-unabhängigen Vollstapel-Ad Tech-Plattform für Nachfrage und Angebot. Die adform zielt darauf ab, ad tech von ummauerten Gartenumgebungen zu befreien, indem sie einen vollprämischen und offenen Marktplatz für automatisierten und programmatischen Handel bietet. Um die vollständige Pressemitteilung auf Dänisch zu lesen, bitte hier klicken. 27. November 2015 Adform gewinnt Innovationspreis Adform wurde zum innovativsten Wachstumsunternehmen bei den EY Entrepreneur des Jahres 2015 ausgezeichnet. Mit einer starken Performance und Innovation auf vielen Ebenen erweitert Adform seine Marktposition bei der ständigen Weiterentwicklung neuer Produkte und Dienstleistungen. Die Innovationskategorie des EY Entrepreneur des Jahres konzentriert sich auf Unternehmen, in denen alle Ebenen des Unternehmens tief in Innovationen involviert sind, und auf Unternehmen, die innovativ in der Produktentwicklung und im Design sind und trotzdem Wachstum zeigen. Innovative Unternehmen machen es nicht nur traditionell besser, sondern auch neue Methoden, Produkte und Prozesse, um sich positiv von der Konkurrenz zu unterscheiden. Adform ist ein gutes Beispiel für ein solches Unternehmen und ist gut geführt und dynamisch mit starker Leistung sowohl in Bezug auf Wachstum und Rentabilität, sagt Sren Smedegaard Hvid, Partner bei EY und Direktor von EY Entrepreneur des Jahres. Um die vollständige Pressemitteilung auf Dänisch zu lesen, bitte hier klicken. 4. November 2015 28. September 2016 ALLE NRG-Gruppe erwirbt WTG-Partner ALLE NRG-Gruppe erwirbt WTG-Partner, und mit dieser Akquisition kommt die ALLE NRG-Gruppe näher an die Erreichung ihrer Vision, ein Gesamtlieferant der Windenergieindustrie zu werden. WTG-Partner in Ebeltoft ist die Nummer vier der ALLE NRG-Gruppe, und mit dieser Akquisition kommt die ALLE NRG-Gruppe noch näher an die Erreichung ihrer Vision, führende Zulieferer in der On - und Offshore-Windindustrie in einem One-Stop-Shop für Windkraftanlagen zusammenzubringen Hersteller und Windparkbesitzer. Für alle NRG-Gruppe ist die Akquisition von WTG-Partnern ein Schritt zur Realisierung unserer Strategie, Windkraftanlagenhersteller und Windparkbesitzer in allen Phasen von der Projektplanung und Installation bis hin zur Wartung der Windenergieanlagen zu unterstützen, sagt 8221 Peter Thorlund Haahr, Vorsitzender der ALL NRG Group, der auch fügt hinzu, dass weitere Akquisitionen möglich sein können. Die Kunden fordern zunehmend ein Komplettpaket und die Akquisition von WTG Partners ist ein wichtiger Schritt für die ALLE NRG Group. Mit WTG-Partnern bringen wir starke Windkraftanlagen - und Windpark-Beratungs - und Inspektionsleistungen mit. Kompetenzen, die unsere Position weiter stärken werden, sagt Peter Thorlund Haahr. Für WTG-Partner wird der Verkauf ein größeres Marktrisiko, den Zugang zu einer breiteren Marketingplattform und die Möglichkeit, sowohl Entwicklungs - als auch Wachstumsziele zu beschleunigen, bieten. Durch die Teilnahme an der ALL NRG Group erreichen wir Synergien mit den anderen Unternehmen der Gruppe und gemeinsam können wir als Gesamtlieferanten für Großprojekte bieten. So erwarten wir ein starkes Wachstum, sagt Christian Holmgaard, Geschäftsführer von WTG Partners. Als Teil einer größeren Gruppe erhalten wir auch einen besseren Zugang zu Ressourcen und mit der Hilfe der ALLE NRG-Gruppe werden wir in naher Zukunft eine Reihe von Entwicklungsprojekten starten, die auf die Erweiterung unserer Produktpalette ausgerichtet sind, sagt Christian Holmgaard, der mitmachen wird Die Besitzergruppe der ALLE NRG Holding im Zusammenhang mit dem Deal. 9. Oktober 2015 28. September 2016 Via Venture Partners investiert in EnviDan Via Venture Partners investiert in EnviDan, einem dänischen Umwelttechnik-Unternehmen, das sich auf Planung, Beratung und Entwicklung von Umweltlösungen in Wasserressourcen, Wasserversorgung, Abwasser und Biogas spezialisiert hat. Gemeinsam mit dem Management und den wichtigsten Mitarbeitern von EnviDan erwirbt Via Venture Partners 100 der Aktien der drei Gründer Simon Boel, Jan Tryk und Sren Brnd, die 1995 EnviDan gegründet haben. Heute beschäftigt das Unternehmen 175 Mitarbeiter in vier Büros Dänemark und eine kleinere Niederlassung in Schweden. Heute ist ein guter Tag für EnviDan, sagt Morten Fjerbk, CEO von EnviDan. Wir haben nach einer Lösung für die geforderte Generationsverlagerung gesucht und mit Via als neuer Aktionär haben wir diese Herausforderung gelöst und gleichzeitig mit dem Wissen und dem Kapital versorgt, das uns vorbringen kann. Wir sind überzeugt, dass EnviDan eine gute Investition ist, sagt Jakob Rybak-Andersen, Investitionsverantwortlicher Partner bei Via Venture Partners. Das Unternehmen verfügt über gesunde Finanzen, eine breite und sehr interessante Gruppe von Kunden und ein großes technisches Wissen, das als Grundlage dient, um EnviDan auf die nächste Stufe zu bringen. Während des Prozesses haben wir mit vielen Branchen-Insidern gesprochen, und wir haben festgestellt, dass es eine klare Nachfrage nach EnviDans Wissen und für EnviDans Kunden Ansatz gibt. Basierend auf seinem spezifischen Branchenwissen hat EnviDan eine Reihe von Value-Add-IT-Lösungen für Versorgungsunternehmen entwickelt. Mit unserer langjährigen Erfahrung aus der Entwicklung von Software-Unternehmen glauben wir, dass wir EnviDan dabei unterstützen können, das große Potenzial in diesem Bereich zu erfüllen. Die Transaktion bedarf der Zustimmung der zuständigen Behörden. 1. September 2015 28. September 2016 Procom verkauft an Amphenol Via Venture Partner und das Management haben Procom AS an Amphenol Corporation verkauft. Auf der New Yorker Börse notiert und mit Hauptsitz in Connecticut, USA, ist Amphenol einer der größten Hersteller von Interconnect-Produkten in der Welt. Procom ist ein führender Anbieter von hochmodernen Antennen, Filtern und Kombiniergeräten. Das Unternehmen verfügt über einen breiten internationalen Kundenstamm und eine starke Position in den Bereichen Marine, Verteidigung, öffentliche Sicherheit, Transport und Industrie. Procom wurde 1980 gegründet und wurde bis 2008 von seinen Gründern besessen, als der derzeitige CEO Peter Borregaard Miteigentümer wurde. Nachdem die Firma seit mehreren Jahren gefolgt war, investierte VIA im Oktober 2013 in Procom. Während der VIAs verhältnismäßig kurzer Besitzzeit erhöhte sich der Umsatz von Procoms von c. DKK115m bis DKK160m. Die Akquisition des prominenten britischen Antennenherstellers Skymasts Antennas Ltd. im Juni 2014 war ein wichtiges Element des Wachstums. Procom ist eine relativ kurzlebige, aber sehr erfolgreiche Investition für Via Venture Partner und ich bin davon überzeugt, dass Amphenol in diesem Stadium der richtige Besitzer für weiteres internationales Wachstum ist, insbesondere außerhalb Europas. Es war ein Vergnügen, mit Peter Borregaard und seinem Team zusammenzuarbeiten, und sie freuen sich auf Amphenol, um das Geschäft weiter zu entwickeln, sagt Jakob Rybak-Andersen, Partner bei Via Venture Partners. Ich bin sehr aufgeregt, um Peters viele Jahre unternehmerischen Erfolg zusammen mit seinem starken Hintergrund in der technischen Produktentwicklung und Engineering in die Amphenol RF Amp Microwave Gruppe zu bringen. Peters Hintergrund und Erfahrung, kombiniert mit dem globalen Umfang und Reichweite der Amphenol RF Organisation, wird dazu beitragen, unsere Expansion in den wichtigen PMR-Markt zu beschleunigen, sagt Zak Raley, Senior Vice President bei Amphenol. 17. August 2015 28. September 2016 Daldata verkaufte an Procuritas Via Venture Partners und das Management haben Daldata AS an die schwedische Private-Equity-Firma Procuritas verkauft. Daldata ist ein führender Anbieter von SaaS-basierten Buchhaltungssoftware und damit verbundenen IT-Lösungen für norwegische Buchhalter und kleine Unternehmen. Das Unternehmen hat ausgezeichnete Fortschritte unter VIAs drei Jahre Besitz Zeitraum. Zwei Tochtergesellschaften wurden veräußert, drei Akquisitionen abgeschlossen und das EBITDA hat sich fast auf NOK40m verdoppelt. Im Jahr 2014 startete Daldata Duett, einen modernen Cloud-basierten SaaS-Service. Das Ziel ist es, weiter zu wachsen, mit einem Fokus auf Duett und ASPcloud Dienstleistungen auf dem norwegischen Markt. Daldata hat vor allem eine starke Stellung in der Buchhaltungsbranche. Das Unternehmen hat einen Umsatz von fast NOK80m aus dieser Branche und setzt Marktanteile fort, was auf den Fokus auf Cloud-Services und den engen Dialog mit den Kunden zurückzuführen ist. Jakob Rybak-Andersen, Partner bei Via Venture Partners, sagt, dass VIA mit der Investition in Daldata sehr zufrieden war. Es war ein Vergnügen, eng mit dem Management und den Mitarbeitern von Daldata zusammenzuarbeiten. Mit ihrer tiefen Erfahrung und dem Verständnis des Marktes und der Kunden haben sie wirklich geliefert. Das Management ist sehr zufrieden mit dem Verkauf von Daldata, und Bjrnar Hkensmoen, CEO, sagt, dass das Management auch sehr zufrieden mit der guten Partnerschaft mit VIA ist. Mit seiner Kompetenz, dem aktiven Besitz und der finanziellen Stärke ist VIA ein starker Besitzer von Daldata. Nets erwirbt eine Beteiligung an der Signaturgruppen-Technologiefirma Nets hat ein aktives Interesse am Aarhus-basierten Signaturgruppen-Technologieunternehmen, das sich auf digitale Identität, NemID und digitale Signaturen spezialisiert hat, mit einer Option zur Übernahme des gesamten Unternehmens erworben. Diese Akquisition eröffnet zusätzliche Möglichkeiten für Netze im internationalen Markt für eID-Systeme und digitale Signaturlösungen. Um die vollständige Pressemitteilung auf Englisch zu lesen, bitte hier klicken. Um die vollständige Pressemitteilung auf Dänisch zu lesen, bitte hier klicken. 19. Juni 2015 28. September 2016 Nets erwirbt Nordea Merchant Acquiring Nets erwirbt Nordea Merchant Erwerb der Sektion des Nordeas-Zahlungsgeschäfts für den Erwerb internationaler Zahlungskarten in den nordischen und baltischen Regionen zu einem Preis von EUR 230 Mio. (DKK 1,7 Mrd.) Eine Unternehmenswertbasis. Die Akquisition wird es Nets ermöglichen, erstklassige Dienstleistungen für Nets-Kunden über die nordische und die baltische Region zu erbringen. Wir freuen uns sehr zu verkünden, dass Nets einen Deal unterzeichnet hat, um Nordea Merchant Acquiring zu erwerben. Die Akquisition erhöht die Nets-Fähigkeit, erstklassige integrierte Akquisitionsservices zu liefern. 240.000 Händler über die nordische und baltische Region, nach Asger Hattel, Group Executive Vice President, Merchant Services, Netze. Erstklassige Dienstleistungen über die nordische und die baltische Region Nets-Strategie ist die bevorzugte Wahl für Nordic-Händler über alle Kanäle, die Zahlungen und alle damit verbundenen Dienstleistungen abdecken. Die Akquisition von Nordea Merchant Acquiring ist ein logischer Schritt bei der Umsetzung dieser Strategie. Und die große Anzahl von Nets-Händler-Kunden, die in der nordischen Region tätig sind, kann noch bessere und integriertere Dienstleistungen erwarten. Netze, die unter der Marke Teller tätig sind, bieten finanzielle Übernahme internationaler Zahlungskarten für die am häufigsten verwendeten Zahlungskarten wie Visa, MasterCard, American Express, JCB und UnionPay. Netze betreiben in mehr als 20 Ländern durch grenzüberschreitende Aktivitäten. Strategische Passform und verbesserte Kundenbetreuung Der Merchant Commerce verändert sich rasant und entwickelt sich zu einem Markt mit zunehmender Fokussierung auf den vollen Zahlungsvorschlag (Erwerb, Payment Gateway, TerminalseCom und Mehrwertdienste) und One-Point-of-Contact-Lösungen über alle Segmente hinweg grenzüberschreitend. Netze werden also einen starken Fokus auf die Bereitstellung von Kaufleuten auf der Suche nach einem Full-Service-Angebot mit einer Lösung, die ihre Bedürfnisse passt. Die kombinierten Unternehmen von Nordea Merchant Acquiring und Netze passt perfekt in die Nets-Strategie nach der rasanten Entwicklung des Zahlungsmarktes. Nets Know-how sowie sein Service - und Vertriebsunterstützungsmodell wurzeln in langjähriger Erfahrung mit Zahlungsdiensten im Nord - und Ostsee. Wir sind in der gesamten nordischen und baltischen Region präsent und unterstützen unsere Kunden sowohl lokal als auch grenzüberschreitend, so Asger Hattel und fährt fort: Die enge Zusammenarbeit mit den nordischen Banken ist ein wichtiges Element der Nets-Strategie. Die verbesserte Nets-Einheit wird sich dafür einsetzen, sowohl Nordea-Händlerkunden als auch andere Händler in der nordischen Region mit den bestmöglichen Lösungen innerhalb der Zahlungen zu bedienen. Die Transaktion wird voraussichtlich im vierten Quartal 2015 abgeschlossen sein, vorbehaltlich der Genehmigung durch die zuständigen Behörden und der Erlangung notwendiger Genehmigungen. Vorwärts gehen Nordea Merchant Acquiring, einschließlich ca. 40 Mitarbeiter von Nordea sind Teil des Geschäftsbereichs Nets Merchant Services. 28. Mai 2015 28. September 2016 Conscia verkauft an Axcel Via Venture Partner und das Management haben Conscia an die dänische Private-Equity-Firma Axcel verkauft. Conscia, die geschäftskritische IT-Infrastruktur liefert und bedient, hat sich zu einem der bedeutendsten Marktteilnehmer für große Netzwerklösungen entwickelt und in nur wenigen Jahren als stärkster Integrator der Cisco-Hardware erkannt. Conscia hat auch ein eigenes Service-Konzept auf Cisco Service-Produkte entwickelt, das sich zu einem sehr soliden wiederkehrenden Geschäft entwickelt hat. Conscia hat sich als führender Anbieter von IT-Infrastruktur - und Service-Lösungen für die größten privaten und öffentlichen Akteure in Dänemark etabliert und die Übernahme des schwedischen Cisco Gold Partner Netsafe bedeutet, dass das Unternehmen nun auch in Schweden tätig ist. Vor drei Jahren entdeckte Via Venture Partners die Stärke und das Potenzial von Conscias Geschäftsmodell und Organisation, sagt Mogens Bransholm, CEO von Conscias. Es war toll, dieses Vertrauensvotum zu haben, und wir arbeiteten sehr gut zusammen. War erfreut, dass Axcel nun ausserhalb unserer anhaltenden Wachstumspläne entschieden hat. Conscia ist eine relativ kurzlebige, aber sehr erfolgreiche Investition für Via Venture Partners, sagt Jakob Rybak-Andersen, Partner bei Via Venture Partners. Weve hat viel erreicht, und Conscia ist nun bereit für die nächste Etappe auf der Reise. Conscia hat ein unglaublich starkes Management-Team, und es war ein Vergnügen, eng mit ihnen zusammenzuarbeiten und den Rest des Vorstandes bei der Entwicklung des Unternehmens, einschließlich des Umzugs in den schwedischen Markt. Die Transaktion bedarf der Genehmigung durch die dänische Kartellbehörde. 27. April 2015 28. September 2016 Via Venture Partners führt DKK 500 Millionen Investitionen in Neas Energy über Venture Partners führt DKK 500 Millionen Investitionen in Neas Energy für weiteres Wachstum Über Venture Partners und ATP stärken die Kapitalposition des internationalen Energieversorgungsunternehmens Neas Energy AS, mit Sitz in Aalborg, durch den Erwerb einer Minderheitsbeteiligung und einer Schuldeninjektion mit einem Gesamtwert von 500 Millionen DKK. Das Konsortium bestehend aus Via Venture Partners und ATP dauert ca. 30 Besitz (Via Venture Partners ca. 18 und ATP ca. 12) und ATP zusätzlich ein Darlehen in Höhe von 250 Millionen DKK. Neas Energy hat ein bedeutendes Wachstum erlebt und zu einem Marktführer entwickelt, seit die derzeitigen Eigentümer das Unternehmen im Jahr 2011 erworben haben. Wir freuen uns sehr, dass die Investition Neas Energy die internationale Expansion fortsetzen wird. Wir sehen die Investition von Via Venture Partners und ATP als Bestätigung für unser Unternehmen und das zukünftige Potenzial unseres Geschäfts, sagt Bo Lynge Rydahl, CEO von Neas Energy. Neas Energy ist einzigartig positioniert, um von der Entwicklung des Energie-Asset-Managements zu profitieren. Neas Energy beschäftigt mehr als 200 Mitarbeiter in Aalborg, Stockholm, Hamburg und London. Das Unternehmen betreibt auf 18 Strom - und Gasmärkten in Europa und verfügt über ein Portfolio von 6.668 MW installierten Kapazitäten, die von Kunden in der erneuerbaren und thermischen Energieerzeugung betrieben werden. Wir vertrauen Neas Energy hat die richtige Kombination von Talenten, Systemen und Know-how, um in den kommenden Jahren deutlich auf dem europäischen Energiemarkt zu expandieren. Via Venture Partners hat mit großem Erfolg andere Portfoliounternehmen in der internationalen Expansion unterstützt und wir beabsichtigen, das Management in Neas Energy mit unserem Lernen zu begeistern, sagt Peter Thorlund Haahr, Investment verantwortlich Partner bei Via Venture Partners. Peter Thorlund Haahr wird dem Vorstand in Neas Energy beitreten. Aktuelle Gesellschafter begrüßen Via Venture Partners und ATP Wir freuen uns, dass Via Venture Partners und ATP unseren starken Glauben an Neas Energy teilen und freuen uns darauf, mit ihnen zusammenzuarbeiten, um das Unternehmen bei der weiteren internationalen Expansion zu unterstützen, sagt Eigild B. Christensen, Vorsitzender des Vorstandes, Neas Energy. Ulrik Dan Weuder, Leiterin der ATP-Infrastrukturinvestitionen, sagt: Wir freuen uns, gemeinsam mit Via Venture Partners in Neas Energy investieren zu können. ATP interessiert sich sowohl für Schulden - als auch für Beteiligungen an Unternehmen, die wir erwarten, um gute Renditen für unsere Mitglieder zu erzielen. Co-Investing mit Via Venture Partners ist eine Möglichkeit, den ATP-Zugang zu attraktiven Direktunternehmensinvestitionen zu bieten, wie es auch bei den KMD - und Netze-Investitionen der Fall war. Die endgültige Transaktion bedarf der Zustimmung der zuständigen Behörden. Die Transaktion wird voraussichtlich im ersten Halbjahr 2015 abgeschlossen sein. Carnegie Investment Bank und Bruun amp Hjejle fungierten als Berater für Neas Energy und seine Eigentümer in der Transaktion. FIH Partners und Kromann Reumert beraten Via Venture Partners. 19. Januar 2015 28. September 2016 Conscia erwirbt Netsafe Via Venture Partners-Portfoliounternehmen Conscia, der führende dänische Experte für Netzwerk - und Rechenzentren, hat den schwedischen Cisco Gold Partner Netsafe erfolgreich erworben. Gleichzeitig beauftragt Conscia den ehemaligen CEO von Telia im Besitz von Cygate, Bengt Lundgren, die schwedischen Aktivitäten des Unternehmens zu führen. Netsafe hat ein beeindruckendes Kompetenzniveau und behandelt derzeit einige der fortschrittlichsten Cisco-Projekte in Schweden. Genau wie Conscia arbeitet Netsafe mit großen Unternehmen zusammen, die die Infrastruktur als Schlüsselgeschäftsparameter betrachten. Mit dieser soliden Basis freue ich mich darauf, Netsafe auf die nächste Stufe zu bringen und das Geschäft in engem Dialog mit dem Conscias Management zu entwickeln. Insbesondere denke ich, dass es interessant sein wird, schwedischen Unternehmen und Organisationen die Möglichkeit zu geben, von Conscias einzigartige Service-Lösung zu profitieren, sagt Bengt Lundgren. 8220Ich begrüße diesen Schritt und ich habe hohe Erwartungen für die Arbeit, die wir gemeinsam mit Netsafe in Schweden erreichen können8221, sagt Mogens Bransholm, CEO von Conscia AS. 1. Dezember 2014 Nets erwirbt eine Mehrheitsbeteiligung an der finnischen Paytrail Plc Nets hat 80 Paytrail Plc, einen finnischen E-Commerce-Zahlungsdienstleister (PSP) erworben. With about 4,500 merchants and more than 10,000 online stores and services in its network, Paytrail has a solid market position and a proven track record in providing e-commerce payment services. Nets is determined to see Paytrail continue to grow its business as a part of Nets merchant services business arm, which currently offers POS and online acceptance solutions to 150,000 merchants. To read the full press release in English, please click here . To read the full press release in Danish, please click here . November 10, 2014 September 28, 2016 Via Venture Partners invests in Q-Star Energy Via Venture Partners invests in Q-Star Energy, which provides highly specialized workers to the oil, gas and wind industries in Europe, and combines the business with VB Enterprise and Apro Wind under the group All NRG. The new group will be one of the largest service providers within oil, gas and wind installations. With approximately 1,000 employees and a turnover of more than DKK 600 million this financial year, All NRG is a major player in the market for services to energy companies such as Vestas, Dong, Maersk and Siemens. The transaction is pending approval by the competition authorities. October 1, 2014 September 28, 2016 Via Venture Partners invests in Profit Software Oy. Via Venture Partners invests in Finnish Profit Software Oy. a leading provider of software solutions to Life amp Pension insurance companies in the Nordic region. Together with Finnish Industry Investment and the management of Profit Software, Via Venture Partners acquires 100 of the companys shares. The majority of the shares are acquired from funds managed by CapMan. Profit Software is dedicated to serving insurers with proven, state-of-the-art solutions. The company was established over 20 years ago in 1992. During the past few years the business has grown significantly with turnover reaching 9.6 million euros in 2013. Im very pleased that Via Venture Partners decided to invest in Profit Software. Our focus is very much on the Nordic market and a Danish private equity company investing in us is a perfect match with our strategy. The acquisition also enables us to maintain our position as an independent company, states Profit Softwares CEO Ilkka Starck. With the deal Via Venture Partners strengthens its portfolio within the IT sector. Via Venture Partners have looked at the Nordic market for insurance software for several years and are very pleased that we will now be able to help Profit Software expand across the Nordic Region. Ilkka Starck and the rest of the management team have done a tremendous job over the past few years in positioning Profit Software as the leading software provider in the Life amp Pension market in the Nordic Region, says Benjamin Kramarz, responsible investment officer from Via Venture Partners. In 2014 Profit Software made its first major deal in Sweden when Swedish insurance company, Lnsfrskringar, chose Profit Software to modernize its pension payment system. The project is ongoing and the new system will be in production during 2015. I believe that with Via Venture Partners we have good opportunities to continue our strong focus on customer satisfaction and simultaneously further enhance our presence in the Nordic countries. Our target is to grow the company and its business in the Nordics and create more success stories in the future, summarizes Starck. September 24, 2014 September 28, 2016 Dolphin Software sold to Loxysoft Via Venture Partners and Verdane Capital Advisors have sold Dolphin Software to Loxysoft, a Sweden-based specialist in IT systems for sales management. Dolphin Software is one of the leading Scandinavian vendors of contact center and workforce management solutions. Dolphin delivers complete solutions and consultancy services for companies that wish to deliver excellent customer service in both the private and public sector. During the ownership of Via Venture Partners and Verdane Capital Advisors, Dolphin has enjoyed stable growth in Scandinavia and Europe, and reached revenues of NOK 62m in 2013. Based in stersund, Sweden, Loxysoft is a family-owned provider of sales support systems with c. 50 employees in four locations across Sweden. August 15, 2014 September 28, 2016 Projectplace sold to Planview Via Venture Partners and InnovationsKapital have sold Projectplace to Planview, a US-based global provider of portfolio and resource management software. Projectplace is a Sweden-based European leader in project collaboration and one of the worlds first cloud companies. During the ownership of Via Venture Partners and InnovationsKapital, Projectplace has grown from c. 450,000 users and 100 employees in five countries to c. 1 million users and 170 employees in eight countries. Owned by US private equity firm Insight Venture Partners, Planview is a global leader in portfolio and resource management. Following the acquisition of Projectplace, the two brands will co-exist. Nets has acquired Payzone Nordic AB Nets has acquired Payzone Nordic AB, a market leader in payment services customized for the retail, hotel and restaurant sectors. Nets already has a position in the Point of Sale (POS) market in the Nordic region and the acquisition will strengthen Nets position in the Swedish POS market while bringing a Nordic footprint with potential to service Payzone Nordics existing customer base more broadly. Headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden, Payzone Nordic was established in 1989 and processes over 150 million transactions per year. Operating solely in the integrated payment service provider (PSP) vertical, it is the largest electronic funds transfer network in Sweden. Payzone Nordic generates annual sales of approximately SEK 70 million and employs c. 50 people. Payzone Nordics CEO, Carl-Greger Leijonhufvud, will remain with the company. To read the full press release in English, please click here . To read the full press release in Danish, please click here . June 6, 2014 September 28, 2016 Procom acquires British antenna manufacturer Skymasts Antennas Ltd. Via Venture Partners portfolio company, Procom AS, a leading manufacturer and supplier of specially designed antennas, filters and combiners, has acquired the prominent English antenna manufacturer Skymasts Antennas Ltd. The acquisition is part of an organic and acquisitive growth strategy initiated last autumn by Via Venture Partners who is the largest shareholder in Procom AS. Procom is rapidly expanding into new markets and new market segments. As a part of the Procom strategy, Procom has acquired the English company Skymasts Antennas Ltd, Northampton. Skymasts Antennas is a world-class, innovative and agile UK antenna manufacturer, supplying outstanding wireless base station antenna products and accessories to a truly global market. Skymasts Antennas products are used within a wide range of industries and applications, within the frequency range of 25 MHz and 5.8 GHz. This ranges from small two-way communication systems or a simple wireless application, to large-scale and complex national infrastructure for both Civil, Public Safety and Defense applications. Now Procom and Skymasts will cover a wide selection of industry sectors across Civil, First Responders and Defense wireless communications. Our commitment to the on-going research and development in the latest technologies ensures that the companies will continue to add value to these sectors working with some of the worlds most respected OEMs, system integrators and network infrastructure operators. Procom and Skymasts have both worked up a well-earned reputation for producing quality, reliable and innovative products for mission critical communication networks. As a consequence of this reputation, the companies are preferred suppliers to some of the worlds largest Critical Communications infrastructures. For further information, please contact CEO Peter Borregaard at Procom AS or CEO Carl Jones at Skymasts Antennas Ltd. May 21, 2014 September 28, 2016 VB Enterprise joins forces with APRO Wind AS Via Venture Partners portfolio company, VBE Holding, who also owns VB Enterprise, has acquired APRO Wind AS, a prominent installation and services provider to the global on - and offshore wind industry. VB Enterprise and APRO Wind will jointly take a globally leading position as a true full-service provider to the offshore wind park industry. VB Enterprise and APRO Wind will continue to act as two separate sister companies within the group. The acquisition is part of a strategic growth plan initiated earlier this year with the help of Via Venture Partners who is the largest shareholder in VBE Holding. VBE Holding has made the acquisition with the expectation that the Companies extensive combined offering will facilitate an even stronger position on the growing offshore wind market. APRO Wind has achieved impressive growth during the last years, much of this thanks to its exceptional track record of successful international projects within complementary areas to VB Enterprise. By working together the two companies will have a comprehensive full-service offering within both High Voltage - and Mechanical installations and services. We now look forward to, together with the competent and dedicated APRO Wind team, build an even stronger value proposition for our customers, says Peter Thorlund Haahr, Chairman of VBE Holding. APRO Wind and its management are enthusiastic to take the next step as part of the VBE Holding group. We are really pleased with the opportunities opened for APRO Wind by joining forces with VB Enterprise. Together with VB Enterprise we will form an even more competitive offering and in VBE Holding we will have a knowledgeable owner with the financial resources to support our continued expansion, says Esben Schmidt, CEO of APRO Wind. VB Enterprise and APRO Wind will continue to act as two separate sister companies within the group. The founders of APRO Wind will continue as minority shareholders in VBE Holding. The combined group will employ around 300 people. April 3, 2014 September 28, 2016 Daniel Hallberg joins Via Venture Partners Via Venture Partners has, as part of a continued increased focus on Swedish private equity investments, hired Daniel Hallberg to join VIA as Principal. Daniel starts with VIA as of April 1st and will work out of the firms Copenhagen office. March 24, 2014 September 28, 2016 Via Venture Partners invests in Nets Via Venture Partners has together with ATP, ATP Private Equity Partners, Advent International and Bain Capital invested in Nets, a leading Northern European provider of payments, information and digital identity solutions. Nets employs 2,600 employees in five countries (Denmark, Norway, Finland, Sweden and Estonia) and connects banks, merchants and businesses through its network. In 2013, the company handled more than 6 billion card transactions supporting more than 33 million payment cards and over 500,000 merchants in the Nordics. The transaction is subject to customary authority approvals. January 9, 2014 September 28, 2016 Conscia acquires Mobility Architects Via Venture Partners portfolio company, Conscia, the leading Danish expert in network and data centers, has successfully acquired Mobility Architects, a leading Danish company within mobile solutions, including wireless infrastructures, security, applications and strategybusiness development. 8220Mobility Architects is a well-managed, innovative and customer-oriented company that possesses unique competencies in the area of mobile solutions,8221 says a satisfied Mogens Bransholm, CEO of Conscia A S. January 8, 2014 September 28, 2016 Via Venture Partners invests in VB Enterprise Via Venture Partners has invested in VB Enterprise AS, a globally leading services provider to the offshore wind park industry. A strategic organic and acquisitive growth plan will now be executed upon with the help of Via Venture Partners. VB Enterprise holds a globally leading position on medium - and high-voltage installation and service projects for the offshore wind park industry. The company has been engaged in the construction of 14 of the 15 largest offshore wind parks ever built. By working closely with the leading manufacturers and vendors of wind power, VB Enterprise has built up a unique expertise within its segment 8211 onshore and offshore. VB Enterprise is headquartered in Denmark and has subsidiaries in Sweden, Norway and the UK. The company has grown with on average 49 every year from 2008 and today employs around 100 people. Last financial year the company made an EBIT of DKK 19 million. Together with Via Venture Partners, VB Enterprise and its management are now ready to take the next step on the companys strategic journey. Via Venture Partners has made the investment with the expectation that the Companys strong position on the growing offshore wind market pose an attractive platform to build upon. VB Enterprise has displayed impressive growth during the last years and we are really looking forward to support the company on its continued strategic journey. Its strong niche expertise and its outstanding track record of successful global projects ensure a competitive advantage and the underlying transformation of the market represent an attractive opportunity where we believe we can add significant value. We look forward to work with the competent and dedicated team of management and employees to fully realize the potential of the company, says Peter Thorlund Haahr, partner at Via Venture Partners and the new Chairman of VB Enterprise. I am very pleased with the outstanding growth we have accomplished during the last few years and I am very proud of the strong market position we have attained through the many accomplishments of our committed employees. I look very much forward to expand VB Enterprise even further and I am absolutely convinced that Via Venture Partners is the precisely right partner to assist the company on our mission to serve the global wind industry. Via Venture Partners will contribute with imperative experience and financial resources to support our long-term strategic growth plan, says Villy Bruun, CEO and Founder of VB Enterprise. December 23, 2013 Via Venture Partners portfolio company Hostnordic elected Hosting Partner of the Year Via Venture Partners portfolio company Hostnordic has been elected Hosting Partner of the Year on Microsofts annual Partner Awards. With the recent acquisition of ServiceGruppen this is the 4th consecutive year that Hostnordic Group receives the award. 8220I am both honored and proud that Microsoft once again announced Hostnordic as the Hosting Partner of the Year8221, says Christian Winther, CEO of Hostnordic Group. To read the full press release in Danish please click here December 11, 2013 September 28, 2016 ePocket Solutions sold to Guard Systems Via Venture Partners has sold ePocket Solutions AS to Guard Systems AS in Norway. Via Venture Partners became shareholder of ePocket in 2011, when Via Venture Partners portfolio company WPA Mobile ApS was merged with ePocket creating a European leader in Mobile Field Service Software. The sale was backed by more than 94 of the shareholders incl. Via Venture Partners holdings. December 3, 2013 September 28, 2016 B. V. Electronic acquires Dansk Styringsteknik AS becoming Denmarks largest automation group Via Venture Partners portfolio company, B. V. Electronic, has acquired Dansk Styringsteknik AS and thereby created Denmarks largest automation group. 8211 B. V. Electronic is now the by far largest supplier on the market with approx. 100 of the industry8217s best programmers, solution architects and project managers. Through this transaction we become the safest choice of automation supplier 8211 even for the largest automation projects, says Kurt Godsk Andersen, Managing Director of B. V. Electronic. November 21, 2013 September 28, 2016 UVdata acquires Dansk Skoledata Aps Via Venture Partners portfolio company UVdata has acquired the Danish education administration software provider Dansk Skoledata Aps. Through the acquisition UVdata gains significant expertise in the school software area and at the same time UVdata8217s municipal customers will be offered an even better coupling to the private school area in their daily work. All employees of Dansk Skoledata will continue working within the UVdata organisation. November 15, 2013 Via Venture Partners portfolio company Conscia awarded for Greatest IT Place to Work Via Venture Partners portfolio company Conscia has won Great Place to Work Institutes annual competition as the best Danish IT company. In addition, Conscia was elected the 4th best medium-sized company in Denmark to work for. These elections are particularly remarkable in a period where the number of employees in Conscia has grown 40, and it highlights the strong culture and community in Conscia. To read more about the award in Danish please click here . November 7, 2013 September 28, 2016 Via Venture Partners invests in Procom AS Via Venture Partners has invested in the communication company Procom AS, delivering specially designed antennas, filters and combiners to customers on a global basis. Organic growth and strategic acquisitions shall secure a tripling of current revenue. Procom was established in 1980 and was until 2008 owned by its founders. In 2008 current Chief Executive Officer Peter Borregaard became co-owner and in 2010 investment company Kirk amp Thorsen invested in the company. Procom has developed significantly during the last 5 years. The company has relocated to new and modern production - and development facilities, profitability has been significantly improved and revenue for 2013 is expected to reach DKK 120 million. Procom and its management are now ready to take the next step together with Via Venture Partners. Procom has been an incredible investment for us and our co-owner and Executive Officer has made an impressive effort. It is now time for a new owner with deeper technological roots than ourselves and we believe that VIA is the exactly right partner to assist Procom in further growing international sales, says Peter Thorsen, CEO of Kirk amp Thorsen. Growth opportunities Via Venture Partners, mainly focused on software - and telecom businesses, has made the investment with the expectation that an increased focus on sales activities together with strategic acquisitions will significantly enhance growth. Today Procom has a very strong market concept. The company8217s ability to deliver small batches of very high quality products faster than any other is very hard to copy. This requires close interaction between all parts of the company and a strong sense of responsibility from each individual employee. This combined with a large and very competent development department ensures a unique concept. Via Venture Partners is confident in the large sales opportunities in Procom and we look forward to assist in fully realizing this potential, says Jakob Rybak-Andersen, partner at Via Venture Partners. Procom has experienced solid growth the last years but we are convinced that together with Via Venture Partners we will be able to further accelerate our growth. Via Venture Partners and managements principles considering employee - and product focus matches really well. I am convinced that with Via Venture Partners actively by our side we can continue to develop Procom and create even more value and even more attractive job opportunities in Denmark, says Peter Borregaard, CEO of Procom AS. November 6, 2013 September 28, 2016 Hostnordic acquires the outsourcing - and cloud division of ServiceGruppen Via Venture Partners portfolio company Hostnordic acquires the outsourcing - and cloud division of ServiceGruppen and creates one of Denmarks leading outsourcing - and cloud companies. Hostnordic has on the 4th November 2013 signed an agreement with ServiceGruppen for Dataudstyr AS to acquire all outsourcing - and hosting activities in ServiceGruppen. The companies also enter a strategic partnership in order to make use of each other8217s core competencies going forward. Both companies will continue under the same roof in Hedehusene. The transaction which is pending approvals is expected to be closed by the end of 2013. May 3, 2013 September 28, 2016 Projectplace reaches significant milestone Projectplace, the European leader in online project collaboration, recently had its 800,000th user join its service. The milestone is proof of organizations increasingly adopting the Social Business strategy, embracing those tools and leadership models that support transparency and knowledge-sharing from a multitude of sources. In Europe, Projectplace is leading the development of project collaboration tools in the cloud. And it plans to continue its rapid expansion. The company is currently recruiting staff in sales and development for all of its seven offices. One of the markets where the user base has increased markedly in the past year is in the U. K. The U. K. is a great market for Projectplace services because many people there have flexible jobs. With job-sharing or working from home, you can benefit tremendously from online collaboration using mobile apps, says Johan Zetterstrm, CEO of Projectplace. The use of cloud services is being actively encouraged in the public sector. The UK government is currently driving a G-Cloud initiative. It lists checked and vetted distributers of cloud services from which various public sector organisations are allowed to choose. Projectplace figures among the approved distributors listed on the G-Cloud website. Whats more, The National Health Services, the largest employer in Europe, is already a Projectplace client. Projectplace has also recently opened a sales office in the U. K. and further expansion plans in 2013 include the U. S.A. market. The next major milestone is reaching one million users. May 3, 2013 September 28, 2016 Adra Match broadens its offering with the launch of BALANCER Adra Match is introducing a new financial software named BALANCER to help finance managers streamline their financial close and consolidation process. It enables them to close the books faster while still meeting demands for better internal controls from investors and stakeholders. BALANCER helps finance managers meet the growing pressures to deliver complete and accurate balance sheet numbers on a timely basis, says Martin Thunman, CEO of Adra Match. BALANCER is offered as a software-as-a-service (SaaS) and is powered by the Microsoft global cloud platform, Windows Azure. BALANCER is offered in different feature editions with a simple per-userper-month pricing model, in order to fit any size of organization. The software-as-a-service model is changing the software industry very quickly, and the winners are the customers, says Thunman. Cost-efficient delivery platforms, in combination with innovative and flexible software, make it possible to offer software at a fraction of the price it used to cost, and we are happy to play a role in this major shift in the industry. The new BALANCER product complements the companys existing portfolio, which includes ACCOUNTS, a transaction matching software, and RECEIVABLES, a payment matching software. BALANCER will be available in Q2 2013. February 6, 2013 Peter Thorlund Haahr to join the expert panel of Tekes With long and proven expertise from supporting Nordic companies in growth and internationalization, Via Venture Partner8217s Peter Thorlund Haahr has now accepted an offer to join the expert panel of Tekes, a prominent finish expert organization dedicated to the financing of research, development and innovation for promising Finnish growth companies. Through his involvement with Tekes, Peter will provide his expert advice on the evaluation and granting of funds to promising finish companies seeking expansion capital from the Tekes fund. Peter started his assignment during January 2013. February 1, 2013 September 28, 2016 Via Venture Partners invests in UVdata Via Venture Partners har sammen med flere af selskabets medarbejdere overtaget aktiemajoriteten i IT-virksomheden UVdata AS, der leverer softwarelsninger til den danske uddannelsessektor. En plan for vkst skal ge omstningen vsentligt over de nste r. UVdata AS har over de sidste r udviklet sig fra at vre en ledende spiller p vejledningsomrdet i danske kommuner til at gre sig gldende i bredere forstand p det kommunale marked samt i uddannelsessektoren. Med produkter som UVvej, MinUddannelse, UVefterskole og MinInstitution leverer UVdata softwarelsninger til en lang rkke af Danmarks kommuner, skoler og UU-centre samt staten. P den baggrund har Via Venture Partners nu sammen med flere af selskabets medarbejdere kbt majoriteten i selskabet. Selskabets hidtidige direktr, Jan Gaardboe Jensen, fortstter som selskabets direktr og vil sammen med den nye bestyrelse fortstte arbejdet med at ge selskabets aftryk p det kommunale marked samt i uddannelsessektoren. Det er en gldelig nyhed, at ATP vlger at bakke op om vores vkstplaner og nsker at bidrage til en yderligere professionalisering og udvikling af virksomheden. Vi har siden 2004 fet etableret os som den frende leverandr af administrative IT-lsninger til danske uddannelsesinstitutioner i et strkt konkurrenceprget marked. ATP-ejede Via Venture Partners bliver en kapitalstrk medspiller i realiseringen af vores ambitise vkstplaner og forsatte ambition om at levere de bedste produkter til gavn for vores medarbejdere og kunder, siger Jan Gaardboe Jensen, adm. direktr i UVdata. Vkstmuligheder Via Venture Partners, der fokuserer p nordiske teknologivirksomheder, har foretaget investeringen blandt andet ud fra en vurdering af, at UVdata str strkt til at tage del i det gede fokus p ndvendigheden af uddannelse blandt danske unge. Vores opfattelse er, at kommunernes og skolernes behov for IT-lsninger til at understtte uddannelsesforlb er stdt stigende. UVdata har formet at levere softwarelsninger til en lang rkke af landets kommuner og uddannelsesinstitutioner, som bde ger effektiviteten hos kunden, men som ogs samtidig understtter det generelle behov for get uddannelse blandt landets unge. UVdata er klart den strkeste spiller p dette marked i dag, og vores hb er, at vi i flleskab kan udbygge deres nuvrende produktplatform til at n endnu bredere ud blandt potentielle kunder. Samtidig har UVdata en strk ivrkstterkultur blandt medarbejderne, hvilket ogs bevidnes af deres lyst til at medinvestere i selskabet, siger Benjamin Kramarz, Investment Manager i Via Venture Partners. January 29, 2013 September 28, 2016 Hostnordic first company to be accredited with BFIH certification Det er med hostingbranchens certificering blevet lettere at vlge kvalitetshosting. Onsdag aften, den 23. januar udstedte Brancheforeningen for IT-hostingvirksomheder i Danmark (BFIH) sledes for frste gang deres kvalitetsstempel til Hostnordic. Vi er stolte over, at vi som de frste i Danmark har opnet BFIHs certificering. Certificeringen er isr vigtig i forhold til vores kunder og partnere, og det cementerer endnu en gang vores position, som en af de ledende hostingvirksomheder i Danmark, siger Christian Winther, bestyrelsesformand ved Hostnordic. BFIH blev stiftet i december 2011 af 24 store og mellemstore hostingvirksomheder, med det forml at hjne kvalitets - og sikkerhedsniveauet i branchen. Cetificeringsordningen bygger p erklringen, ISAE 3402, og indebrer, at de certificerede hvert r skal kontrolleres af en uafhngig revisor med IT-revision som speciale. 8220Vi nsker Hostnordic tillykke. I BFIH er vi glade for og stolte over, at den frste certificering er faldet p plads. Det er godt for os, for vores medlemmer og ikke mindst indvarsler det en ny tid, hvor markedet for IT-hosting bliver mere gennemsigtigt og det bliver lettere for sm og strre virksomheder at vlge den rigtige hostinglsning, siger Niels Reinau, bestyrelsesformand i BFIH. Hostnordic har med BFIHs kvalitetsstempel fet dokumentation p, at de lever op til de strengeste krav inden for informationssikkerhed, medarbejdersikkerhed, fysisk sikkerhed, drift og beredskab. Vi har gennem de seneste r brugt meget tid og mange ressourcer p vores interne processer og kontroller for at levere et af Danmarks bedste hostingprodukter. Vi er derfor glade for, at vi med REVI-IT8217s hjlp har opnet BFIH8217s certificering, og dermed fet ekstern bekrftelse p et velfungerende driftsapparat, siger Christian Osbahr, teknisk direktr ved Hostnordic January 11, 2013 Daldata acquires Flexidata AS Daldata has successfully acquired Norwegian Flexidata AS as part of its strategy to strengthen its position as a leading partner to the payroll and personnel management software Huldt amp Lillevik (HampL). Through this acquisition, Daldata becomes the largest distributor of HampL, with a total customer base of approximately 900 customers. As a consequence of the acquisition, Daldata will increase its focus on HampL and will, among other initiatives, increase its headcount in Oslo. The acquisition also provides Daldata with an opportunity to introduce its new customers to other software products from the growing Daldata product suite. December 21, 2012 September 28, 2016 Via Venture Partners invests in Conscia Via Venture Partners har kbt 35 pct. af aktierne i it-virksomheden Conscia AS, der leverer netvrkslsninger til bl. a. TV 2, Danske Bank og Lundbeck. En plan for vkst skal tredoble omstningen til n mia. kr. Conscia AS er i lbet af en kort rrkke blevet en af de vigtigste spillere p markedet for samlede netvrks-lsninger. Vi er meget tilfredse med at Via Venture Partners vlger at bakke op om vores vkstplaner. Vi har p fem r etableret os som den frende leverandr af netvrkslsninger til de strste private og offentlige virksomheder. Via Venture Partners bliver en kapitalstrk medspiller i realiseringen af vores ambitise vkstplaner. Vi forventer at omstte for n mia. kr. inden for de nste fem r og vil dermed blive frende inden for it-infrastruktur i datacenteret , siger Mogens Bransholm, adm. direktr i Conscia. Via Venture Partners kber 35 pct. ejerandel af Conscia ud fra en vrdiansttelse af virksomheden p 212 mio. kr. Aftalen er underskrevet 20. december 2012. Vkstmuligheder Via Venture Partners, der fokuserer p teknologivirksomheder, har foretaget opkbet blandt andet ud fra en vurdering af makrofaktorerne i it-markedet og har store forventninger til den nye investering. It-slutkunderne vil i dag have kreklare lsninger, der kan bruges fra alle enheder, og som skaber vrdi p tvrs af forretningen. Kravene til netvrks - og cloud-lsninger stiger dag for dag, og virksomhederne er afhngige af, at disse lsninger fungerer optimalt. Conscia er i dag den strkeste partner p dette marked, og da det samtidig er en meget veldrevet virksomhed med en strk kultur, har vi store forventninger til vores investering, siger Jakob Rybak-Andersen, partner i Via Venture Partners. Iflge Jakob Rybak-Andersen str Conscia med ekstra strke kort p hnden, da virksomheden er anerkendt som den strkeste integrator af Cisco-udstyr. Cisco er verdens frende producent af netvrks - og datacenterudstyr og fokuserer i trd med Conscia p at udvikle integrerede lsninger, der skaber forretningsmssig vrdi p tvrs af virksomhedens afdelinger. Aftalen skal endeligt godkendes af Konkurrencestyrelsen, inden den trder i kraft. December 3, 2012 September 28, 2016 Beneq acquires EL business from Planar Via Venture Partners portfolio company Beneq acquires the Finnish-based electroluminescence (EL) business from US Planar Systems, Inc. a global leader in digital display technology. The name of the new business unit, Lumineq, stands for Beneqs strong commitment to thin film electroluminescence (TFEL) technology and the industrial production of other ALD (atomic layer deposition) enabled products. These products will be offered in addition to Beneqs existing product portfolio. The acquisition of this business from Planar is a natural next step in Beneqs strategy of taking ALD into industrial production, and allows us to expand our own corporate portfolio in world-leading ALD technology and related products, says Sampo Ahonen, CEO of Beneq Oy. The acquisition also means Beneq has obtained the worlds largest ALD-dedicated production facility, and its coating capacity. Beneq, which primarily concentrates on thin film equipment manufacturing, will now be able to develop new offerings based on production-scale coating services and other customization services. Beneq is committed to the long-term development of the Lumineq family of products, and aims to expand into new areas of applications as deemed commercially viable. This is an opportunity to build Lumineq into its own niche product brand under the Beneq corporate umbrella, which will bring stronger continuity and growth to the business, Ahonen says. Likewise, Beneq guarantees existing Lumineq customers the continuity, strength and financial backing necessary to ensure uninterrupted product deliveries and services. October 16, 2012 September 28, 2016 KMD sold to Advent International EQT, ATP PEP and Via Venture Partners has sold KMD to Advent International after a successful 3 year ownership period in which KMD has gone through a very positive development with increased revenue, earnings and employee headcount. Since being acquired in early 2009, KMD has successfully completed an extensive transition from public to private sector ownership. The Company has implemented a wide range of improvements and efficiency enhancements of its internal systems and processes, while also developing a number of new software solutions. KMD is today a professionally run and competitive business with exciting growth potential. In 2011, the Company reported revenue of DKK 4,266 million and EBITDA of DKK 577 million. KMD is Denmark8217s largest provider of software and it-services. KMD generates the majority of its revenue from Danish municipal authorities, which among other includes software solutions to handle social and pension benefits. In addition, the Company is a provider of it-solutions to the central government as well as the private sector. In recent years, KMD has also built a platform for further growth in the Swedish market. During the past 3 years, KMD has invested more than DKK 2 billion in developing new software solutions for the Danish public sector, which together with selective acquisitions has emphasized its position as the leading provider of it-solutions to the Danish public sector. Despite budgetary pressure and the general economic downturn, KMD has managed to generate steady growth during a challenging macroeconomic period. Digitalization and KMD8217s software solutions in particular is an essential part of enhancing efficiency in Denmark8217s public sector. KMD8217s latest products within education and healthcare represent substantial investments in areas that will constitute major parts of the future public sector budgets. Denmark is without doubt ahead of virtually all other countries in terms of digitizing its public sector. KMD has a leading market position and unique domain knowledge and competences. We see great opportunities to develop and grow the business even further in Denmark, but also internationally, says KMD8217s CEO Lars Monrad-Gylling, and continues: We have been very pleased with our partnership with the current owners, and we are now looking forward to continuing the journey with Advent International. The transaction is subject to customary closing conditions. September 6, 2012 September 28, 2016 Dolphin Software acquires XLScheduler Norske Dolphin Software har kjpt det svenske selskapet XLScheduler, som leverer lsninger for bemanningsplanlegging. Oppkjpet er frste ledd i strategien om bli ledende i Skandinavia p kontaktsenterlsninger, og gjre Dolphin til en suite-leverandr. Dolphin fikk i fjor nye eiere i Via Venture Partners og Verdane Capital VI amp VII (Verdane). Med nye eiere p plass ligger alt til rette for en storstilt satsing p det skandinaviske markedet, blant annet i form av oppkjp. 8211 Dolphin gr med dette oppkjpet fra vre en best-of-breed - lsning til en full suite-lsning, med all funksjonalitet i n plattform. Analyseselskapet Gartner anbefaler blant annet Suite-leverandrer innenfor vr nisje. Oppkjpet er ogs en del av Dolphins nye strategi, etter eierskiftet i fjor, om ekspandere i Norden til bli en ledende skandinavisk aktr i kontaktsentermarkedet, sier administrerende direktr Haakon Smeby i Dolphin. XLScheduler ble etablert i 1994, og har drevet med bemanningsplanleggingslsninger, skalt Workforce Management Solutions, siden 1997. Selskapet har tilholdssted i Gteborg, men har kunder i hele Skandinavia og i Europa. XLScheduler omsatte for 10 MSEK i 2011. Bemanningsplanlegging er ytterst viktig for drift av kontaktsenter. Hva slags og hvor mye kompetanse man trenger til ulike tider, er vesentlig kunnskap for kunne planlegge for mest mulig effektiv drift av kontaktsenteret, og for yte god kundeservice. Dolphin har levert denne type lsninger via tredjeparter tidligere, blant annet XLScheduler, men vil n integrere dette fullt og helt i sine kontaktsenterlsninger. 8211 XLScheduler har en imponerende kundeliste, og nrmere 10 000 brukere av systemet. Vi kommer til integrere XLScheduler som en modul i vre lsninger, men vi vil ogs beholde XLScheduler som en separat merkevare. Dette blant annet fordi XLScheduler sttter om lag 30 kontaktsentersystemer, sier Smeby. Dolphins eierskap pner opp en rekke nye muligheter for bde Dolphin og XLScheduler. Begge vil ke sine markedsandeler, og vil, gjennom tilby komplette produktsuiter, bli det naturlige valget for kontaktsentre i Skandinavia. Timingmessig er dette ogs veldig riktig for oss. Vi skal lansere en ny versjon av vrt bemanningssystem, og med Dolphins eierskap kan vi ke takten i vr internasjonale ekspansjon, sier Emma Skygebjerg, CEO i XLScheduler. 8211 Oppkjpet oppfyller to av vre mlsettinger for Dolphin: Vi tar skrittet inn i det svenske markedet og vi fr en full produktsuite. Dermed kan vi gi kundene et bedre og mer helhetlig tilbud. Vi har ftt et veldig godt inntrykk av XLScheduler. De ansatte er sterke faglig og tilfrer Dolphin en ekstra dimensjon. Vi gleder oss til f dem om bord, sier Arne Simensen i Verdane Capital Advisors. For mer informasjon: Haakon Smeby, adm. dir Dolphin, mob: 91623743, e-post: Emma Skygebjerg, VD XLScheduler, tlf 46709479984 August 27, 2012 September 28, 2016 Daldata med nye sterke eiere Salget av Daldata ble formalisert den 11. juli d.. I tillegg til Via Venture Partners har samtlige i Daldatas ledergruppe, med administrerende direktr Bjrnar Hkensmoen i spissen, investert i selskapet. Daldata har hatt en meget god utvikling de siste seks rene. Siden 2006 har omsetningen kt fra 87,6 millioner til 165 millioner kroner, og inntjeningen er mangedoblet til 15,4 millioner kroner i 2011. Ambisjonen er fortsatt vokse videre, med hovedfokus p Duett konomisystem og ASPskytjenester i det norske markedet. Det er spesielt innenfor regnskapsbransjen at Daldata er stor, og selskapet omsetter for nrmere 60 millioner kroner i denne bransjen. I lpet av 2012 har Daldata tatt ytterligere markedsandeler i regnskapsbransjen, og den gode veksten har kommet hovedsakelig som et resultat av fokus p skytjenester og Daldatas nye datasenter. Jakob Rybak-Andersen, partner i Via Venture Partners, sier at de ser p Daldata som en svrt spennende investering, med fremtidsrettede lsninger og et servicekonsept i SMB-markedet som har stort potensiale. 8211 levere IT-lsninger lnnsomt til SMB-markedet krever svrt hy kompetanse i hele organisasjonen. Daldata har en meget kompetent ledelse og en sterk posisjon i Norge, og vi ser frem til skape ytterligere vekst bde organisk og gjennom konsolideringer, uttaler Jakob Rybak-Andersen. Daldata er p sin side godt fornyd med salget. Bjrnar Hkensmoen, administrerende direktr, uttaler at Via Venture Partners, med sin kompetanse og finansielle styrke, vil hjelpe Daldata i arbeidet med videreutvikle selskapet videre. 8211 Vi er svrt tilfredse med ha ftt dyktige, profesjonelle investorer p eiersiden, sier Hkensmoen. For mer informasjon: Bjrnar Hkensmoen, adm. dir, mob: 959 86 800, e-post: bjornar. Jakob Rybak-Andersen, Partner i Via Venture Partner, mob: 45 29401719, e-post: July 13, 2012 September 28, 2016 VIA og Christian Winther overtager majoriteten i Hostnordic AS Via Venture Partners og Christian Winther overtager tilsammen aktiemajoriteten i den Aarhus-baserede hosting - og IT-outsourcing virksomhed Hostnordic AS. De hidtidige ejere Christian Beer og Nicolai Pedersen forbliver aktionrer i selskabet. Via Venture Partners nsker sammen med de vrige investorer at tage del i den konsolidering, der er i gang i hosting-markedet i jeblikket. Hostnordic AS er med sin allerede strke position i det hastigt voksende IT-outsourcing marked, og sin effektive Microsoft-baserede infrastruktur, en oplagt platform til at deltage i konsolideringen og markedsvksten. Christian Winther, der med mange rs erfaring fra IT - og Tele-direktioner og - bestyrelser i Danmark og udlandet, vil indtrde som arbejdende bestyrelsesformand i selskabet og vre ansvarlig for den daglige drift af selskabet. Managing Partner i Via Venture Partners, John Helmse-Zinck udtaler: Gennem investeringen i Hostnordic ser vi frem til at deltage i den spndende markedsudvikling, som sker nu og i rene fremover. Hostnordics effektive og solide platform er og vil vre et stort aktiv for bde kunder og samarbejdspartnere. Bestyrelsesmedlem Christian Beer siger: Vi ser frem til fortsat at vre en del af Hostnordic og vre med til at gre det endnu bedre fremover med Christian Winther ved roret og med en anerkendt, kapitalstrk investor som Via Venture Partners i aktionrkredsen. Christian Winther udtaler: Jeg glder mig til sammen med Hostnordic teamet at videreudvikle selskabet med udgangspunkt i den fantastiske vksthistorie virksomheden allerede har. Jeg er meget imponeret dels af den visionre opbygning af den nuvrende hosting platform og dels af det hje uddannelses - og kvalificeringsniveau, som Hostnordic teamet har. Partnerne nsker ikke at offentliggre vilkrene for kbet. May 14, 2012 September 28, 2016 Adra Match sees exceptional growth in its SaaS revenue Adra Match, the leading company for Reconciliation Management Software, presents financial results for 2011. The annual report shows an exceptional growth in SaaS revenue, continued overall growth and a strong profitability. Adra Match today publishes financial results for 2011 which show a strong growth in profitability and strong development overall. Key figures for Adra Match include: Total operating income increased by 8 to 81,8 MNOK (75,7 MNOK) Operating profit EBIT rose by 108 to 17,8 MNOK (8,5 MNOK) Software as a Service (SaaS) revenue increased by 74 Total growth in recurring revenue is 299 for the period 2006-2011 We have now more than 8000 users of our software across more than 3000 companies around the world Our customers are now reconciling more than 1.1 billion transactions yearly with our software Martin Thunman, CEO of Adra Match says: 2011 was a great year for Adra Match. We delivered both a record total revenue and operating profit and continued to add new customers and users across the world. The strong growth in our SaaS revenue is further evidence that cloud hosted solutions provide many advantages for financial applications. During 2011 we also took a strategic decision to accelerate the investment in our product portfolio, something that will enhance the customer experience and deliver even greater value. Adra Match has 20 years experience in providing software for advanced Data Matching and Reconciliation Management. Our products are primarily used by accounts departments to automate reconciliations. Automatic reconciliation helps organisations to work smarter and quicker, with better control and accuracy. Our solutions streamline and standardise accounts departments and give them an overview of the company8217s balancing process at all times. Adra Match has its head office in Oslo, Norway and offices in Sweden, Denmark and United Kingdom. Among our 3000 customers are Hertz, GE Capital, Old Mutual, IKEA and Telenor. April 12, 2012 September 28, 2016 Rusnano invests DKK 185 million (EUR 25 million) in Beneq RUSNANO, 100 owned by The Government of the Russian Federation, has invested DKK 185 million in Beneq, a Via Venture Partners portfolio company and Finnish pioneer and world-leader in industrial production and laboratory equipment for nano-scale thin films and functional coatings. Beneq is probably the most acknowledged hyper growth company in the nano industry in the world today. The investment is a combination of capital injection and share purchase. Via Venture Partners invested in Finnish Beneq in 2007 when the turnover was approximately DKK 9 million. Via Venture Partners has continuously actively supported the company with commercial knowhow, project work, as member of the board of directors and follow-up investments. Beneq is now the undisputed global leader in industrial production and laboratory equipment for nano-scale thin films and functional coatings, and the revenue in 2012 is expected to exceed DKK 200 million. A sizeable part of the investment will be a capital increase supporting Beneqs further worldwide hyper growth. Sergey Polikarpov, Managing Director at RUSNANO comments: Beneq is a welcome member in our nanotechnology portfolio. We acknowledge the technical excellence of the company, and the literally untapped economical potential that lies before its thin film coating offering. With a firm belief in the technical capabilities of Beneq and the global surge for thin film production capacity, we want to be a part of the growth that lies ahead. Sampo Ahonen, CEO of Beneq, sees paradigm shift possibilities as an effect of the investment: This investment in Beneq secures continued extraordinary fast expansion of the companys core business activities serving its customers worldwide. Simultaneous it opens the possibility to pursue new opportunities in new growth markets, including giving excellent knowhow about the important Russian market. After the investment Beneq will have two large investors, RUSNANO and Via Venture Partners, and a number of smaller investors, i. e. all the smaller investors from the foundation and the early seed funding rounds of the company. Via Venture Partners will as all other shareholders receive a partial part of the investment due to the sale of some part of VIA shares to RUSNANO. Via Venture Partners owns approximately 30 of the company post the RUSNANO investment. Peter Thorlund Haahr, Partner at Via Venture Partners and a Beneq board member, is very positive of the outlook for the company: RUSNANO is an extremely professional partner and a perfect large co-shareholder to complement Via Venture Partners large shareholding now Beneq faces the important even higher growth ambitions of the board and shareholders in the coming years. Of the many possible investors wanting to invest in Beneq RUSNANO stood out as an ideal match, not only from the point of view of Via Venture Partners but from the point of view of all the shareholders including management. January 2, 2012 September 28, 2016 KMD acquires Itella Information Via Venture Partners portfolio company KMD starts the new year by acquiring Itella Information AS, part of the Finnish Itella Group. Itella Information AS delivers, among other services, printing, enveloping, scanning and electronic archiving. KMD has for several years been one of the nation8217s leading providers of printing services. The acquisition is an expression of KMDs strong growth ambitions and further develops the company8217s strong position in the print market. December 20, 2011 September 28, 2016 Beneq wins new award Following its success in the Red Herring Top 100 Europe challenge earlier this year, Beneq has now been named as a Red Herring Global 100 Winner. The Red Herring Global Top 100 prize is an award in recognition of the leading private companies from North America, Europe, and Asia. The prize celebrates the innovations and technologies of these start-ups across their respective industries. Red Herrings Global 100 list has become a mark of distinction for identifying promising companies and entrepreneurs. Red Herring editors were among the first to recognize that companies such as Google, Skype, Baidu, YouTube and eBay would change the way we live and work. Choosing the best out of the previous two years was by no means a small feat, said Alex Vieux, Chairman of Red Herring. After rigorous contemplation and discussion, we narrowed down our list from 1,100 potential companies to 100 winners. It was an extremely difficult process. Beneq should be extremely proud of its achievement, the competition for the Top 100 was fierce. The Top 100 Global are truly the best of the best. Mr Sampo Ahonen, Beneq CEO, says: We are naturally honored by being selected a Red Herring Global 100 Winner. For an achievement of this size and quality, I would like to thank the judges of Red Herring for recognizing the credibility our entire customer base has granted us. Furthermore, I would like to extend a special acknowledgement to our staff, which has from the very start of Beneq shown incredible skills, motivation and perseverance. In short, we truly believe in what we are doing, and we are proud of it. Red Herrings editorial staff evaluated the companies on both quantitative and qualitative criteria, such as financial performance, technology innovation, management quality, strategy, and market penetration. This assessment of potential is complemented by a review of the track record and standing of startups relative to their sector peers, allowing Red Herring to see past the buzz and make the list an invaluable instrument of discovery and advocacy for the greatest business opportunities from around the world. For more information, please contact: Mr Sampo Ahonen, CEO, Beneq Oy Tel: 358 40 520 1090 e-mail: sampo. ahonen(at)beneq October 17, 2011 September 28, 2016 Beneq acknowledged for its cleantech achievements Global Cleantech Cluster Association 2011 Finalist Beneq has the pleasure to announce that it has been chosen by the Global Cleantech Cluster Association (GCCA) as a 2011 Later Stage Award Top 30 finalist. Inclusion in the GCCA Global Top 30 reflects the strong business and market position of the company in the category sector, and signifies its innovative approaches and technologies are gaining a foothold in the new global green economy. Beneq was nominated for the GCCA Later Stage Award by the Finnish Cleantech Cluster in May 2011. The companys business model, market position, profitability and potential at creating and capturing market share (among other criteria) have subsequentlyqualified it to be a GCCA Later Stage Award 2011 Global Top 30 Finalist. Narrowing down 185 nominations from cleantech clusters all over the world down to 30 was a very competitive process, says Ben Taube, Chairman of the GCCA. These Top 30 Finalists are the rising stars of the worlds clean technology sector. These companies, with their customers and revenue, are building significant green collar economies in the regions where they operate, said Shawn Lesser Co-Founder of the GCCA. For the health of the planet, both economically and environmentally, we are committed to spotlighting these game-changing companies on the world stage. The GCCA Later Stage Award Global Top 30 Finalists were selected out of the 4000 companies represented by the GCCAs 30 member clusters, ranging from North America and Europe to Asia. Each cluster conducted internal evaluations to nominate up to 10 companies in 10 categories, including solar, wind, energy storage, green buildings, water and more. In total, these member clusters nominated 185 companies for the 2011 Later Stage Award. 2011 Millennium Distinction Award for excellence and growth in photovoltaics Beneq has been presented with the Millennium Distinction Award, an accolade presentedby Technology Academy Finland (TAF) to Finnish scientists and growth companies foroutstanding technological achievements in the field of the most recent Millennium Technology Prize Winner. The 2010 Millennium Technology Prize was won by Professor Michael Grtzel for his invention of dye-sensitized solar cells, and hence, the 2011 Millennium Distinction Awards were presented to scientists and companies working in the solar energy sector. The Millennium Distinction Awards celebrate Finnish innovations and technological achievements. The selection process involves several criteria including pioneering work in research or business activities, distinguished contributions to higher education and significant achievements in the commercialization of innovations based on new technologies. Says Beneq CTO Tommi Vainio: This prize is a great honor and we are grateful to Technology Academy Finland for being acknowledged in this way. The award itself serves two causes for Beneq. On the one hand it confirms that the hard work we have behind us, six incredible years of growth, innovation and discovery, have been successful. On the other hand, it is a promise for the future, a definite piece of evidence that the route we have chosen is the right one. Ainomaija Haarla, President and CEO of Technology Academy Finland comments: The selection committee analyzed information on both researchers and companies from all over Finland, and I was happy to discover that there were so many good candidates. The winners represent a truecross-section of expertise in Finlands solar energy sector. For more information, please contact: Mr Sampo Ahonen, CEO, Beneq Oy Tel: 358 40 520 1090e-mail: sampo. ahonen(at)beneq September 20, 2011 Martin Thunman new CEO for expansive Adra Match On 5 September, Martin Thunman (42) took up his position as the new CEO and Country Manager for Sweden at the IT company Adra Match. Martins background lies within international sales and growth and his previous employers include the technology company PacketFront, where he was MD and co-founder. Adra Match offers fantastic products and solutions which really simplify the everyday lives of our customers. I see it as our responsibility to spread the word about this and we will be investing heavily in marketing and sales, says Martin Thunman. Adra Match offers software for automatic transaction and account reconciliation. Account reconciliation in particular is a task that many companies spend days on processing manually every month. Using Adra Matchs solutions, the job takes just a few hours. Its a question of simplifying everyday life for thousands of people working within finance departments. Account reconciliations are something that every company wrestles with each month. Adra Matchs system makes the job is easier, faster and more secure. When Martin Thunman takes over as CEO and Country Manager for Sweden, his key challenge will be to succeed within sales and marketing. Martins profile is ideally suited to the phase that Adra Match is now entering, says Tom Nyman, Chairman of the Board at Adra Match. The aim is further strong growth within sales over a period of several years and Martins experience within sales and marketing were a decisive factor when we appointed him, concludes Tom Nyman. Martin Thunman was MD and a co-founder of the technology company PacketFront, which expanded rapidly during Martins tenure as MD. With an MBA from Lund, Martin has also had a successful sales career at Cisco Systems. For the past three years, he has been running his own consultancy business aimed at international sales and marketing. Martin Thunman sees Adra Match as a company which has fantastic solutions, a long-term product strategy and satisfied customers. The company is also expanding rapidly in the growth markets. In Sweden, sales have increased by 52 since 2008. On our customer list, we have 38 of the 100 largest listed companies in Sweden. Within certain sectors, we are completely dominant and the response were getting from our customers is just amazing. This company has enormous international potential. We must raise our profile and tell the market all about the good things that we can do. For more information, contact: Martin Thunman, CEO and Country Manager for Sweden, Adra Match Tel: 46(0)73 383 96 11 martin. Tom Nyman, Chairman of the Board, Adra Match, Partner Pod Venture Partners Tel: 46(0)70 747 25 19 tom. September 8, 2011 September 28, 2016 Via Venture Partners invests in Dolphin Software AS Norwegian company Dolphin, which delivers customer service systems and consultancy, has been acquired by Via Venture Partners and Verdane Capital VI amp VII (Verdane). With new owners onboard, the company is poised for expansion in the Nordic market. The sale of Dolphin was formalised on 4 August with the private equity funds Verdane and Via Venture Partners each taking out a 48 per cent stake in the company. The remaining four per cent shareholding is owned by the companys management. Dolphin represents an extremely exciting investment for Verdane. The aim is to take this strong Norwegian company to the rest of the Nordic market. Since 1985 we have helped a significant number of Norwegian companies to establish themselves in new markets and are confident that Dolphin will enjoy considerable success in other countries, comments Arne Simensen, Senior Associate at Verdane Capital Advisors Oslo office. Jakob Rybak-Andersen, Partner at Danish-based Via Venture Partners explained: Dolphin is an exciting business in a small niche, with cutting-edge expertise, a highly accomplished management team and a strong position in Norway. We are looking forward to playing an active role on the board together with Verdane Capital and generating further growth, both organically and through consolidations in Norway and internationally. The team at Dolphin is also thrilled with the sale and the new owners: With their expertise and financial strength, Verdane Capital Advisors and Via Venture Partners will help us to further develop the company and position ourselves for further growth. We are delighted to welcome expert professional investors onboard as owners, commented CEO Smeby. In recent years Dolphins 30 employees have generated steady and healthy growth, and the company posted sales of NOK 48 million in 2010. Over the last year the portfolio has been expanded to include companies such as Sparebank 1 Alliansen, Eidsiva Energi and Viking Redningstjeneste. Dolphin has several product launches in the pipeline, including SocialCRM a customer service solution for social media, a market Smeby believes is overdue for such a professional solution. The company is also launching a new customer service solution based on Microsoft Lync aimed at the SMB market, a move that represents a strategic expansion for the company that had previously concentrated on the high-end market Dolphin Software was established in 1989 as a publisher of Norsk Data. It was owned by Telenor from 1994 until 2003 when it was bought out by Finn Haadem, Arne Blystad and four of the companys executive managers. Verdane purchased Blystads shareholding in 2009 and has now built its stake up to 48 per cent. New CEO in Projectplace Idag tilltrder Johan Zetterstrm som ny VD fr Projectplace International i syfte att driva bolagets europeiska expansion och drmed ytterligare strka bolagets ledande position inom onlinesamarbete. Johan Zetterstrm kommer nrmast frn Salesforce och har lng erfarenhet av expansion och frsljning inom mjukvara och molntjnster. Det r en fantastisk mjlighet att g in som VD p ett bolag som Projectplace, ett spnnande, ledande fretag inom det snabbvxande omrdet project collaboration. Jag ser fram emot att bidra med min samlade kunskap och tillsammans med teamet ta onlinetjnsten och bolaget till nsta niv ute i Europa, sger Johan Zetterstrm, nytilltrdd VD. Johan Zetterstrm kommer nrmast frn Salesforce dr han som Nordenchef startade upp verksamheten i Norden och ven var ansvarig fr Beneluxlnderna och Ryssland. Dessfrinnan har Johan varit Nordenchef fr andra framgngsrika fretag ssom Broadvision, ATG (Art Technology Group) samt VD fr Mac Support. Johan har en gedigen bakgrund inom snabbvxande internationella bolag och han har ven en profil som en stark ledare. Hans erfarenhet att driva internationellt framgngsrika fretag som den vrldsledande molntjnsten Salesforce kommer ytterligare att strka vr position i Europa, sger Peter Lvgren, styrelseordfrande i Projectplace. KMD kber Rambll Informatik KMD har indget aftale om kb af Rambll Informatik for at styrke sin position p markedet for velfrdsteknologi og det statslige omrde. Aftalen understreger KMDs ambitise vkststrategi. KMD stter nu streg under virksomhedens ambitioner om at vokse inden for velfrdsteknologi, isr p pleje-, sundheds og undervisningsomrdet. KMD har netop indget aftale om kb af Rambll Informatik, der er en betydelig kapacitet p omrdet. Samtidig fr KMD med kbet et endnu bedre fodfste p det statslige marked. Rambll Informatik generede i 2010 en omstning p 259 mio. kr. og har 250 medarbejdere, der overgr til KMD, nr handlen er endelig p plads inden for de kommende par mneder. Vkst p velfrdsteknologi Vi er meget tilfredse med opkbet af Rambll Informatik. Markedet for velfrdsteknologi vil uden tvivl vokse i de kommende r. Det offentlige har i det seneste r fet et markant fokus p digitalisering af de borgernre serviceomrder som eksempelvis pleje-, sundheds - og skoleomrdet. Rambll Informatik har i dag en rkke lsninger, der er et srdeles glimrende supplement til vores lsninger og ambitioner p omrdet, siger KMDs administrerende direktr, Lars Monrad-Gylling. Han fremhver bl. a. synergien mellem Rambll Care og KMDs nye lsning Online Omsorg, der netop er prsenteret for markedet, og som skal vre med til at digitalisere bl. a. ldreplejen og sundhedsomrdet. Rambll CARE er et digitalt sundhedssystem mlrettet sundheds - og omsorgsomrdet. Systemet sikrer effektiv styring af aktiviteterne i hjemmepleje, sygepleje og sundhedscentre. Samspillet mellem KMD Online Omsorg og Rambll Care vil give kunderne nogle helt nye muligheder inden for ldre - og sundhedsplejen, siger Lars Monrad-Gylling. Opkb styrker position p statsmarkedet Selvom KMD i dag er strkest positioneret i det kommunale marked, har virksomheden gennem en rrkke vist, at den ogs kan beg sig p erhvervs - og statsmarkedet. Med opkbet af Rambll Informatik understreger KMD ogs vkstambitionerne p det statslige marked. KMD har i forvejen en fornuftig forretning inden for Application Management til isr det statslige segment. Med opkbet af Rambll Informatik vil dette omrde blive styrket, forklarer Lars Monrad-Gylling. Et strkt hold Vi glder os rigtig meget til at tage imod Rambll Informatiks kompetente medarbejdere. Den solide og brede domneviden, de blandt andet besidder inden for omsorg og skoleomrdet, er en af de vsentligste rsager til, at vi har valgt at kbe virksomheden. Sammen med KMDs nuvrende medarbejdere skaber vi et unikt hold, der skal vre med til at indfri vores ambitioner om at vre landets bedste it-leverandr og samtidig en spndende og udviklende arbejdsplads, siger Lars Monrad-Gylling, der fortller, at de nye medarbejdere vil flytte til KMDs lokationer. 8220Vi har i Rambll vurderet, at det fremadrettet vil vre den bedste lsning for Rambll Informatiks kunder og medarbejdere at blive en del af en virksomhed, som har it som hovedaktivitet. KMD opfylder de kriterier, vi lagde til grund i salgsprocessen, herunder at den nye ejer viste vilje til at sikre gode vilkr for kunder og medarbejdere, og vi er derfor meget tilfredse med den aftale, der er indget8221, udtaler Sren Holm Johansen, koncerndirektr i Rambll. Med kbet af Rambll Informatik flger ogs det svenske datterselskab Rambll Informatik. June 10, 2011 September 28, 2016 Beneq wins the 2011 Red Herring Top 100 Europe Award Beneq has been chosen a Winner of Red Herring8217s Top 100 Europe prize, an award in recognition of the leading private companies from Europe, celebrating these startups innovations and technologies across their respective industries. Red Herrings Top 100 Europe list has become a mark of distinction for identifying promising new companies and entrepreneurs. Red Herring editors were among the first to recognize that companies such as Facebook, Twitter, Google, Yahoo, Skype, YouTube, and eBay would change the way we live and work. Choosing the companies with the strongest potential was by no means a small feat, said Alex Vieux, publisher and CEO of Red Herring. After rigorous contemplation and discussion, we narrowed our list down from hundreds of candidates from across Europe to the Top 100 Winners. We believe Beneq embodies the vision, drive and innovation that define a successful entrepreneurial venture. Beneq should be proud of its accomplishment, as the competition was very strong. Mr Sampo Ahonen, Beneq CEO, comments: To rise from Finalist to Winner in Red Herrings challenge is an honor we acknowledge and value highly. My personal thanks for having achieved this award of recognition go to everyone at Beneq, our partners and our customers, all of which bear a critical role in building success and profit for our business. For more information, please contact: Mr Sampo Ahonen, CEO, Beneq Oy Tel: 358 40 520 1090 e-mail: sampo. ahonen(at)beneq June 6, 2011 September 28, 2016 WPA mobile merges with Norwegian ePocket Solutions Norway-based ePocket Solutions AS (ePocket) and Denmark-based WPA Mobile ApS (WPA) announced today a merger agreement creating a European leader in Mobile Field Service Software. Together with WPA, the new ePocket will offer best of breed Mobile Field Service and Fleet Management Software Solutions to some 2,000 customers with more than 25,000 users in Scandinavia, continental Europe and the UK. 8220We are proud to announce a merger between ePocket and WPA that will create value for our customers and shareholders,8221 says Jarl Spandow, CEO of ePocket. 8220The market for Mobile Field Service Management Software is fast growing as service centric companies see a growing need to manage their field service and installation operations more efficiently. By implementing an ePocket Handyman or a WPA mobile solution, organizations can typically improve field force productivity by more than 10 while also saving costs and improving quality of operations in the office.8221 However, while the market among Field Service Software providers is fragmented with many small local providers, increased software functionality and new mobile platforms call for larger software development units to provide customers with best of breed solutions. By joining forces, ePocket and WPA, not only creates a leading European provider, the companies also complement each other ideally, as the new group will be able to offer both on site Field Service Management Software for the enterprise market and Software as a Service (SaaS) for the small and mid size market segment, Jarl Spandow continues. We are glad to team up with ePocket, says Per Pedersen, CEO of WPA. While WPA is market leader for Mobile Field Service Software in Denmark, ePocket is market leader in Norway and have a strong presence in Sweden and Germany. Together we will be clear market leader in Scandinavia, and the new ePocket Handyman product suite will certainly boost our offering for the Danish enterprise market. Acquiring 100 of WPA Mobile ApS, ePocket Solutions AS will issue new shares to current WPA owners, including Danish Via Venture Partners, the leading Scandinavian IT investor with some 2,2 billion NOK under management. We are excited about the merger between ePocket and WPA and we are committed to continue supporting the strong growth of ePocket, says John Helmse-Zinck, Managing Partner at Via Venture Partners. The new ePocket is expected to reach sales in excess of 65 MNOK in 2011 and will employ some 65 persons in offices in Oslo, Copenhagen, Gothenburg and Dortmund. For more information about the merger and the companies please refer to: Jarl Spandow, CEO ePocket Solutions AS, Tel: 47-90034713 Per Pedersen, CEO WPA Mobile ApS, 45-24269763 May 5, 2011 September 28, 2016 VIA acquires stake in B. V. Electronic Via Venture Partners (VIA) and the employees of B. V. Electronic (BVE) have acquired a major stake in BVE as of April 1. 2011. Among the new owners are 19 of the companys employees including current CEO, Kurt G. Andersen. Current 100 owner, Bjarne Vium, will remain a part of the new ownership structure and remain active on the board. I am very happy about the new ownership structure especially about the big enthusiasm and commitment shown from the employees. The new structure will give the company the continuity and stability that will benefit all stakeholders. says Bjarne Vium Kurt G. Andersen who took over as CEO in 2010 is also very satisfied with the transaction: The change in ownership had to come sooner or later, so I am very happy that the transaction is now completed. The core of our business is software and solutions within SCADA, automation and production control. These deliveries are critical to the operations of our customers, who all belong to the elite in their respective fields of business in both Denmark and the rest of the world.8221 We see BVE as a market leader within automation of Danish industry. With the solutions from BVE, production and employment can remain in Denmark. Both in Denmark and on the other side of the border, companies are facing big challenges securing a high level of competitiveness and BVEs software will be part of the solution tackling those issues. Says Peter Thorlund Haahr, partner in VIA, and new chairman of the board in BVE. For further Information, please contact: Kurt G. Andersen, Chief Executive Office 6161 1053 March 22, 2011 September 28, 2016 Beneq and Glaston announce first TCO line sale The first Beneq-Glaston TFC2000 line for manufacturing TCO coatings on glass for photovoltaics (PV) has been sold to Asia. The total order is approximately EUR 14 million, of which Glastons share is over EUR 4 million. The line delivery is scheduled for Q1 of 2012. Beneq CEO, Mr Sampo Ahonen, comments: This is a definitive demonstration of the growing need for high-quality TCO-glass and coating equipment to manufacture it. It is also good proof of the seamless cooperation between Beneq and Glaston, which with this transaction has taken a giant leap forward. In September 2010, Beneq and Glaston announced their strategic cooperation for solar glass coating equipment. Results of the collaboration between the companies brought about the new TFC2000 continuous offline production concept, which enables a commercially affordable way to manufacture high-quality TCO coated glass for the solar industry. The Beneq coating system, featuring unique and proprietary nAERO technology, is fully integrated into Glastons CHF Pro heat treatment line. The TFC2000 combines world-leading glass and annealing technology with advanced thin film coating for rapidly growing solar applications. The sale of the first TFC2000 line in such a relatively short period of time is very encouraging and confirms that the joint Beneq-Glaston offering has been well positioned to serve the needs of the growing thin film PV industry with a solution that is unique and competitive, Glaston CEO Mr Arto Metsnen comments. For more information, please contact: Mr Sampo Ahonen, CEO, Beneq Oy Tel: 358 40 520 1090, e-mail: sampo. ahonen(a)beneq Mr Arto Metsnen, CEO and President, Glaston Oyj Abp Tel: 358 10 500 500 November 30, 2010 September 28, 2016 Via Venture Partners raises a new fund of EUR 134 million Via Venture Partners has raised its second fund of EUR 134 million. The new fund will invest in Nordic IT and telecommunication companies with strong development and growth potential. The additional EUR 134 million in committed capital makes Via Venture Partners one of the largest venture capital players in the Nordic market with a total committed capital of EUR 268 million. Despite the financial crisis, Via Venture Partners has been a very active investor over the last 4 years. We have established ourselves as a good partner for entrepreneurs, management teams and syndication partners across Finland, Sweden, Norway, and Denmark. As a result, we are very happy to have raised another EUR 134 million, so that we can continue our Nordic investment activities, says John Helmse-Zinck, managing partner in Via Venture Partners. Via Venture Partners established its first fund in 2006 Via Venture Partners Fund I KS. The fund is already today among the absolute biggest funds in the Nordic region with a focus on growth companies within the fields of IT, technology, service, content and telecommunication. The fund is a multi-stage fund and has so far made investments along the entire range of companies from very small companies without any revenue to larger buyouts. Examples of portfolio companies in Fund I: Beneq Oy (Finland), Adra Match AS (Norway), Projectplace AB (Sweden). An example of an early stage investment is Radiocomp ApS (Denmark) where Via Venture Partners invested in the company 6 months after it was founded, and after planned development successfully sold it to MTI, a global Taiwan based telecom equipment manufacturer. An example of the funds buyout activities is KMD AS (Denmark) where Via Venture Partners has invested in syndication with EQT. The newly established venture fund Via Venture Partners Fund II KS will have the same strategy and size as Fund I. The fund will be able to invest up to EUR 20 million in a single company and will thereby also be able to participate in private equity transactions as well as in normal venture capital investments. Our first fund has a number of interesting growth companies in its portfolio that, managed by very capable management teams, are developing very positively. The new EUR 134 million will be used to invest in new Nordic based growth companies with an international potential. says John Helmse-Zinck. ATP, Denmarks largest pension fund, is the only investor in both Fund I and Fund II. For additional information, please contact: John Helmse-Zinck, managing partner, Via Venture Partners AS, direct line: 45 4010 4405 October 12, 2010 September 28, 2016 Ensuring further growth for Adra Match ge Lnning has been hired as the new CEO of software supplier Adra Match. Mr. Lnning has previously worked as CEO of Component Software, before recently leaving a position as COO of Affecto. Adra Match is currently experiencing major success in the Nordic market in relation to the companys software for automated account reconciliation and electronic payment identification. Today, Adra Match has more than 2,000 customers throughout Scandinavia and is actively focusing its efforts on securing further growth. One initiative in this regard includes the employment of ge Lnning as the companys new CEO. ge Lnning is highly experienced when it comes to international sales processes and definitely the right person to lead this company. His experience within management of growth companies will be useful in relation to the opportunities we are currently envisioning, says entrepreneur and chairman of the board at Adra Match, Mr. Sverre Stockinger. Lnning is a 46 years old. He holds a Master degree in Business Administration and has longstanding experience from the telecom business in addition to significant management experience from various software companies. The company has a good platform, and the foundation required to expand towards new markets is definitely in place, says ge Lnning, CEO of Adra Match. Adra Match has identified a great growth potential within e-commerce, among other areas. Today, reconciliation of single transactions against settlements from various debit card companies can often be a manual and time consuming task. The process may include several transactions of the same amount, where everything is to be reconciled against the correct customer, parallel to commission from each card transaction being extracted. It is our experience that companies often use spreadsheets for these types of reconciliation procedures, which can be very time consuming and increase the risk of manual errors, says Lnning. Ensuring further growth for Adra Match October 8, 2010 September 28, 2016 Via Venture Partners exits Radiocomp to Microelectronics Technology Inc Via Venture Partners (VIA) announces that it has made an exit of its portfolio company Radiocomp to Microelectronics Technology Inc. (MTI) based in Taiwan and in the US. Radiocomp will be held by MTI as a 100 subsidiary and function as MTIs European headquarter. Radiocomp is a global pioneer in software and hardware for advanced wireless communications. The company has positioned itself as the world leader in developing and manufacturing of state-of-the-art fully software configurable radio head products for existing and next generation 4G (LTE) mobile and wireless infrastructure networks. Radiocomp was founded in the northern part of greater Copenhagen in 2006 by current CEO Thomas Nrgaard and Via Venture Partners invested in Radiocomp shortly after (in 2007). After 3 years of focused development of remote radio head products and underlying platforms, Radiocomp has placed itself in the center of the next generation networks with its world class team. MTI will combine Radiocomp with its existing hardware and software capabilities to further strengthen its position in the global 4G market. With the acquisition of Radiocomp MTI will substantially extend its range of core technologies for the development of fourth generation mobile communications technology and Long Term Evolution (LTE) related products. The acquisition will further establish a unique position for MTI within the European markets. September 1, 2010 September 28, 2016 En av Danmarks strsta IT-fretag, KMD AS, har ppnat ett dotterbolag i Sverige. KMD AS r bland annat gt av Investors riskkapitalfretag EQT. Det svenska KMD kommer att tillhandahlla lsningar p kran fr offentlig sektor, vilket innebr att kunderna kommer att slippa kpa dyra licenser och istllet betala efter hur mycket de anvnder tjnsten. Bolaget fr rutinerade Maria Bohlin och Kicki Idegran i ledningen. KMD AS har i ver 30 r varit den ledande leverantren av IT och konsulttjnster till de danska kommunerna. Nu har fretaget beslutat att bredda sin verksamhet och erbjuda sin kunskap om offentlig sektor och dess IT-lsningar till den svenska marknaden. 8211 Vi r i grunden inte s olika i Skandinavien och jag ser drfr goda mjligheter att f ut KMDs kunskap och lsningar till den svenska offentliga sektorn, sger Lars Monrad-Gylling, VD fr danska KMD och koncernchef. Lsningar och tjnster inom det administrativa omrdet KMD AS r ett av de strre IT-fretagen i Danmark med ett komplett utbud av tjnster och lsningar fr den offentliga sektorn. I Sverige brjar vi dock i mindre skala genom att initialt fokusera p de administrativa stdprocesserna. I spetsen str VD Maria Bohlin och vice VD Kicki Idegran (ansluter inom kort). Bda har mer n 25 rs erfarenhet av branschen och har haft ledande befattningar i fretag som Logica, Acando, Visma och Capgemini. 8211 Vi brjar med lsningar inom omrdena ekonomi, inkp, budget och beslutsstd men senare kommer vi ven att erbjuda den svenska marknaden resten av koncernens utbud. Att fokusera p ASP och SaaS fr att kunna erbjuda lsningar p kran dr kunden inte behver investera i dyra licenser utan istllet betala fr vad de faktiskt anvnder knns viktigt, frklarar Maria Bohlin. 8211 KMD har lsningar som vi ser ett stort behov av i Sverige. De har lng erfarenhet av att arbeta med ASP-lsningar och SaaS-tjnster till offentlig sektor. Dessa mste vi naturligtvis i samarbete med vra danska kollegor anpassa till den offentliga sektorn i Sverige och det r drfr som vi inte startar med att erbjuda allt som finns inom koncernen p en gng, sger Maria Bohlin. June 22, 2010 September 28, 2016 DdD merges with NTS DdD retail AS merges with German competitor and is now among the biggest suppliers of IT solutions to fashion retailers The Danish DdD retail AS, with more than 20 years of development of cash registers and stock controlling for fashion retailers, has as of 1st of April merged with the German NTS Systemhaus GMBH (better known as COWIS). NTS has, as DdD, specialized in supplying IT solutions for retail customers all over Europe. With the merge DdD retail has more than 1600 customers and 2500 installations in more than 10 countries and is now among the biggest suppliers of IT solutions for fashion retailers in Europe. Today DdD retail has local offices in Denmark, Germany, Sweden and Norway and the international ambitions do not stop here. The merger with NTS Systemhaus, and the establishment of the subsidiary DdD retail Germany AG, gives us not only the businesses and a strong customer portfolio in Germany but also highly qualified employees with special competences within our area. It means that DdD retail in the future will be able to deliver a wider range of products based on an even better technology platform and in such we are very well prepared for further expansion internationally says Peder Falck CEO since 2007. The company, that since 1989 has delivered IT solutions for retail customers all over Europe, is despite the crisis in strong growth. The turnover, before the merge with NTS, is grown with an average of 26 percent per year since 2003. With the merger DdD retail now employs 40 people in 4 countries so far. March 1, 2010 September 28, 2016 Via Venture Partners opens in Stockholm Via Venture Partners Stockholm office is now formally opened. After operating out of the Danish office in Hellerup, Copenhagen Denmark, Vias two Swedish Partners Anders Grns and Anders Lindqvist will now work fulltime from Stockholm. As of today we have made 4 investments in Sweden, with Projectplace and Plusfoursix being the latest addition to Via Ventures portfolio. We look very much forward to continue to back the strong Swedish entrepreneur community thru our SEK 1,25 Billion Fund says Anders Lindqvist. John Helmse-Zinck, Managing Partner at Via Venture Partners says: With our Swedish Partners now fulltime in Stockholm, we feel we have a very strong experience base and presence in the Swedish market and will be able to even more actively pursue the investment opportunities we perceive exist in the Swedish market8221. Via Venture Partners new office is located in modern offices on Floragatan in downtown Stockholm. For further questions you are welcome to contact Anders Lindqvist, tel 46 705 404183 John Helmse-Zinck, tel 45 4010 4405 January 5, 2010 September 28, 2016 Via Venture Partners invests in Adform Via Venture Partners has become a shareholder in Adform, a leading provider of online marketing platforms. Adform has over the last 7 years had tremendous success in the Nordic region and we look forward to replicating the success in the rest of Europe, and becoming the leading provider of digital marketing technology and services says Peter Thorlund Haahr, partner in Via Venture Partners. We look forward to working with Via Venture Partners and we are certain they can assist us in our European expansion efforts. They are very professional and I am confident they can guide us in conquering Europe says Gustav Mellentin, CEO and co-founder of Adform. About Adform Adform was founded in 2002 and has grown into the leading Nordic provider of online campaign analytics encompassing campaign planning, ad serving amp campaign optimization, web site analytics, and reporting. Adform is a multinational company, with offices in London, Stockholm, Oslo, Copenhagen and Vilnius. The company has grown by 100 per year for several years in the Nordic region and growth is expected to continue in other European countries in the coming years. The company employs more than 70 people and has been profitable every year since its founding. About Via Venture Partners Via Venture Partners is a leading Nordic venture capital fund that invests in Nordic IT companies with international growth potential. The fund manages EUR 134 million in its first fund provided by ATP, Denmarks largest pension fund. Since its launch in 2006, Via Venture Partners has successfully invested in several companies in Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Finland. For more information, please contact: Peter Thorlund Haahr, Partner, Via Venture Partners, 45 28 10 17 95, Gustav Mellentin, CEO, Adform, 44 755 168 65 57, November 24, 2009 Medotech AS wins Entrepreneur Of The Year 2009 Medotech AS vinder den prestigefulde pris: Entrepreneur Of The Year, 2009. Kringen fandt sted den 19. november i Bella Centeret i Kbenhavn under et awardshow med godt 700 deltagere fra hele landet. Medotech er den eneste virksomhed i verden som henvender sig til patienter der lider af bruksisme med en teknologisk lsning. Juryen begrunder sit valg af vinderen med: Produktet er innovativt og klart overlegent i forhold til den eneste nuvrende, alternative behandlingsmuligheder. Af vrige revolutionerende fordele kan nvnes, at produktet som noget nyt behandler selve kilden til patientens problem, er markant mere brugervenligt og ger patientens livskvalitet. Markedsbehovet er stort, og markedspotentialet er i milliardklassen. Produktet henvender sig desuden til en stor og stigende befolkningsgruppe. Link til pressemeddelelse i fuld lngde For yderligere information om Medotech AS: Peter Thorlund Haahr, Via Venture Partners, 45 28 10 17 95 June 30, 2009 September 28, 2016 Projectplaces new owners reinforces European strategy Current share holder Investor Growth Capital buys 90 of Projectplace International AB along with two new owners, Via Venture Partners and InnovationsKapital. On Friday June 26, 2009, Projectplace International AB, Europes leading online project collaboration tool, was acquired by three venture capital companies. The buyers all have prior relationships with the company and good insight and understanding of its business. The ownership change is a step in the company8217s continued development and strengthens its future opportunities. 8211 We are already well established as the market leader in Sweden and Norway and are growing rapidly in Germany and the Benelux region. The new ownership provides us the ability to continue strengthening our position in existing markets while expanding in new European markets, says Pelle Hjortblad, CEO, Projectplace International. Projectplace Internationals business has been growing 30 per year the last three years. The turnover amounted to SEK 129 million in 2008. With the new owners on board the company see a strong opportunity for continued rapid expansion through organic growth as well as strategic acquisitions. 8211 We have had an eye on Projectplace International for a while, says Anders Grns, Via Venture Partners. When we got the opportunity to complete this deal, it was a very easy decision for us. The process has been fast and all parties agree. 8211 Projectplace International is an innovative, well-run company with high development potential, says Anders sund, Investor Growth Capital. As an existing owner, we have followed the company for many years. With a clear Europe focused strategy, the company has a great opportunity to increase its growth rate further in coming years. Investor Growth Capital, Via Venture Partners and InnovationsKapital will each own 30 of the company. The remaining 10 will be offered to a number of key employees within the company 8211 We are very pleased that the company8217s management and key employees want to invest and thereby take an active part in the company8217s continued development. We strongly believe that Projectplace has great potential and are very happy that the management clearly feels the same way, says Magnus Berglind, InnovationsKapital. Contact: Projectplace International, Pelle Hjortblad, CEO, tel. 46 701810110 Investor Growth Capital, Anders sund, tel. 46 73 5241824 Via Venture Partners, Anders Grns, tel. 46 734441001 InnovationsKapital, Magnus Berglind, tel. 19175820396 Public Relations Projectplace International: Anna lenius Mathson, PR Manager Tel: 47 708 93 02 46, email: anna. alenius. Since 1998, Projectplace International has developed and provided Europe8217s leading web tool for project collaboration. The company, with 100 employees, is based in Stockholm, Sweden, with local offices in Denmark, Germany, The Netherlands, and Norway. For more information, please visit projectplace May 29, 2009 September 28, 2016 We are excited to announce our newest investment in DK-based startup Medotech AS. Medotech has launched the first and only product for treatment of bruxism (teeth grinding), which is a serious problem for more than 5 million people in Europe, US and Japan. The product is based on advanced software code on a chip incorporated with other technologies. The result is a significant reduction or elimination in the patients propensity to grind, after only 3-5 weeks use. The investment round of 30 million will be used for product launch in Europe in 2009 and in the US in 2010. For further information, please visit Medotechs website. About Via Venture Partners Via Venture Partners is a Nordic venture capital fund that invests in Nordic IT companies with international growth potential. The fund manages 1 billion Danish kronor and is owned by ATP, Denmarks largest pension fund. Since its launch in 2006, Via Venture Partners has invested in 16 companies in Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Finland. For more information, please contact: Peter Thorlund Haahr, Via Venture Partners, 45 28 10 17 95, April 20, 2009 September 28, 2016 Via Venture Partners wins the DVCA award 8211 for the second year in a row DVCA (The Danish Venture Capital and Private Equity Association) announced at the Associations annual meeting on April 16 2009 that Via Venture Partners was appointed Best Venture Company 2009. The Via Venture Partners team is proud of our second DVCA statuette says John Helmse-Zinck, managing partners at Via Venture Partners AS. About Via Venture Partners Via Venture Partners is among the most recent and largest investors in the Nordic region dedicated to IT company investments. Via Venture Partners Fond I KS, a subsidiary of the ATP Group, was founded in early 2006 and is ATP8217s fund for IT investment purposes. The investments are managed through the management company Via Venture Partners AS. Completing its first investment in June 2006, Via Venture Partners has to date invested in 14 different IT, communications and technology businesses in Sweden, Norway, Finland and Denmark. The fund has DKK 1 billion at its disposal for investment purposes. For further information, please contact: John Helmse-Zinck. Managing Partner, Via Venture Partners AS, 45 4010 4405 March 4, 2009 September 28, 2016 PBS and Post Danmark acquire KMDs shares in e-Boks PBS og Post Danmark kber KMDs tredjedel af aktierne i e-Boks. e-Boks tilbyder digital forsendelse og opbevaring af borgernes og virksomhedernes post. PBS og Post Danmark ejer herefter hver halvdelen af e-Boks. PBS og Post Danmark overtager KMDs aktiepost i e-Boks og ejer herefter hver 50 procent af selskabet. e-Boks har p f r udviklet sig til den foretrukne, sikre boks for digitale dokumenter for 1,8 mio. danske brugere og ca. 500 afsendere, herunder langt de fleste pengeinstitutter, alle landets 98 kommuner, konomistyrelsen, ATP, samt en rkke forsikringsselskaber, energiselskaber, fagforeninger og teleselskaber. Baggrunden for PBS og Post Danmarks kb af KMDs aktier i e-Boks Lige siden vi blev aktionr i e-Boks i 2002, har selskabet vret en strategisk vigtig investering for Post Danmark. Salget af KMD bnede op for, at vi kunne ge vores ejerandel, og den mulighed har vi naturligvis udnyttet. Det styrker vores position som et postselskab, der kan tilbyde kunderne prcis den form for levering, som de eftersprger8221, siger K. B. Pedersen, viceadministrerende direktr i Post Danmark. Flemming L. Jensen, administrerende direktr i PBS udtaler: KMD, Post Danmark og PBS har sammen kommercialiseret og med rene skabt meget flotte resultater i e-Boks, som er til glde for de mere end 1,8 millioner danske brugere, der nu benytter e-Boks som deres digitale postboks, samt virksomheder i det offentlige og private. Vi ser frem til i samarbejde med Post Danmark fortsat at udvikle e-Boks og sikre den videre succes. Forsat tt samarbejde mellem e-Boks og KMD Henrik Andersen, administrerende direktr i e-Boks siger: Vi har vret meget glade for KMD som medstifter af e-Boks samt aktionr siden 2001, og vi har ogs haft et godt dagligt driftsmssigt samarbejde med KMD. e-Boks udvidede i 2007 sit driftsmssige engagement med KMD ved indgelse af en lngevarende aftale om kb af kapacitet og drift af e-Boks applikationen. Denne driftsaftale fortstter uagtet, at KMD ikke lngere er medaktionr, og vi ser frem til et fortsat positivt og tt samarbejde med KMD. Baggrunden for KMDs salg af aktier i e-Boks Det har vret utroligt spndende at vre med til at etablere konceptet og virksomheden e-Boks i 2001 samt at deltage i den succesfulde udvikling af selskabet frem til i dag. e-Boks er dog ikke en kerneforretning for os som it-virksomhed, og da vores medaktionrer i e-Boks var interesserede i vores aktier, s har vi fundet en attraktiv lsning til glde og gavn for alle parter, siger administrerende direktr i KMD Lars Monrad-Gylling. Prisen for aktierne er ikke offentliggjort. For yderligere informationer: KMD AS: Pressechef Christoffer Hellmann, 45 4460 1809 PBS AS: Pressechef Sren Winge, 45 4489 2635 Post Danmark AS: Kommunikationschef Lars Kaspersen, 45 2463 6114 e-Boks AS: Administrerende direktr Henrik Andersen, 45 7021 2401 Fakta om PBS PBS udvikler, slger og driftsafvikler systemer og services p markedet for betalingskort, betalingsformidling samt informationsudveksling og er underleverandr til pengeinstitutternes flles infrastruktur. PBS tilbyder en af verdens mest avancerede og fremtidssikrede betalingsplatforme. PBS har ca. 850 medarbejdere og hndterer over 2,6 mia. korttransaktioner om ret. PBS Holding er ejet af en rkke danske pengeinstitutter samt Danmarks Nationalbank. Fakta om Post Danmark Post Danmark leverer postservice til alle kunder i Danmark bde afsendere og modtagere. Hver dag indsamler og sorterer Post Danmarks medarbejdere i alt ca. 11 mio. forsendelser til omdeling blandt 5,2 mio. kunder, herunder 2,6 mio. husstande. Post Danmark har ved flere mlinger vist sig at vre blandt de bedste postvirksomheder i EU. Ogs fremover vil Post Danmark vre blandt de bedste post-, logistik - og transportvirksomheder. Post Danmark er en af landets strste virksomheder med ca. 21.000 medarbejdere. Post Danmark er i dag ejet af den danske stat, CVC Capital Partners samt af medarbejderne i Post Danmark. Fakta om e-Boks AS e-Boks har flere end 1,8 million danske brugere, som sparer tid og har bedre overblik over rudekuverterne. e-Boks er let tilgngelig fra en hvilken som helst PC over hele verden. 500 tilmeldte offentlige og private virksomheder bruger i dag e-Boks til at sende en del af posten elektronisk. Blandt afsenderne er langt de fleste banker, alle landets 98 kommuner, konomistyrelsen, ATP, samt en rkke forsikringsselskaber, energiselskaber, fagforeninger og teleselskaber. Fakta om KMD KMD udvikler og leverer it-lsninger til kommune-, stats - og erhvervsmarkedet. KMD leverer it der effektiviserer og udvikler kundernes forretning. KMD har i 35 r arbejdet med udvikling, drift og vedligeholdelse af nogle af Danmarks strste it-systemer. KMD har en rlig omstning p mere end tre milliarder kroner og har flere end 3.000 ansatte fordelt over fem afdelinger i hele Danmark. KMD er ejet af kapitalfonden EQT samt ATP December 9, 2008 September 28, 2016 Via Venture Partners, VNT Management and Finnish Industry Investment exits OptoGaN Oy (Copenhagen Helsinki 8th December 2008) A group of Russian industrial investors led by ONEXIM Group has acquired 82 of the shares in the LED chip company OptoGaN Oy including all the shares of Via Venture Partners, VNT Management and Finnish Industry Investment Ltd. OptoGaN Oy is a Finnish-German company with leading technology in Gallium nitride based LEDs. Optogan develops high-brightness light-emitting diodes for the background lighting of mobile terminals, computer LCD displays, the automotive industry, traffic lights and for general lighting. LEDs will replace conventional light bulbs in lighting. LED bulbs use only a 10th or 12th as much as conventional incandescent bulbs and half as much as energy-saving bulbs. OptoGaNs patented technology makes LEDs extremely bright and cheap to produce. OptoGaN has a research lab at the Helsinki University of Technology and a pilot line and production facilities in Dortmund. The Nordic venture fund Via Venture Partners invested in OptoGaN Oy in April 2007 and prior to that the company was since its foundation in 2004 funded by VNT and Finnish Industry Investment. Peter Thorlund Haahr, Partner in Via Venture Partners says: 8220OptoGaN has made significant progress over the last years and has been a very successful investment for VIA. We are proud to have made a significant exit before VIAs 3rd anniversary and this proves we have established a well functioning team and a solid investment practice. VNT is pleased with the fact that a Finnish based start-up company like OptoGaN Oy has come all this way. This transaction demonstrates that solid innovation, seed capital and a strong investor syndicate can produce excellent results, adds Veijo Karppinen, Managing Partner with VNT Management. Antti Kummu, Investment Manager in Finnish Industry Investment comments: OptoGan Oy is a good example of a Born Global company. It operates in highly competitive global LED business and it has operations, management or investors from several European countries like Finland, Russia, German, Denmark, etc. Details about the deal are not being disclosed. For more information, please contact: 8211 Peter Thorlund Haahr, Via Venture Partners AS: 45 28101795, 8211 Veijo Karppinen, VNT Management: 358 (0)40 8371 210, veijo. 8211 Antti Kummu, Finnish Industry Investment Ltd: 358 50 432 4486, antti. Optogan Oy in brief: OptoGaN is the emerging supplier of high brightness LEDs for global lighting applications. With its cutting edge technology, OptoGaN enables new generation of Solid State Lamps which feature bulb-like brightness, bulb-like cost, high energy efficiency, and environmental safety. Founded 2004 in Finland, OptoGaN operates an RampD center in Espoo, Finland and starting since 2006 a full pilot line in Dortmund, Germany. optogan Via Venture Partners in brief: Via Venture Partners is a USD 200 million multi stage venture fund investing in exceptional companies in the Nordic region. Founded in early 2006, Via Venture Partners is a privately owned and independent Nordic software and communication venture capital firm. Via Venture Partners Limited Partner is ATP, who manages Danish pension savings in excess of DKK 400 billion. The portfolio of presently 14 Nordic companies is expected to grow rapidly within the next couple of years do to a high investment activity level. For more information please visit: viaventurepartners VNT Management in brief: VNT Management Oy was founded year 2002. VNT Management Oy is focusing on Renewable Energy and Distributed Power Generation, Energy Saving and Clean Tech areas. VNT Management Oy was one of the first management companies having focus in above mentioned areas in Europe. The first fund, Power Fund I, was raised in February 2003 with a fund size of 17 Meur. The second fund, Power Fund II, was raised in spring 2008 with a fund size of 63 Meur. vntm Finnish Industry Investment Ltd in brief: Finnish Industry Investment Ltd is a government-owned investment company. It invests the proceeds accrued from the privatisation of state-owned companies in stimulating the growth and internationalisation of Finnish businesses. Finnish Industry Investment invests in venture capital funds and directly in growth companies, together with private co-investors. The targets are in all sectors. Capital investments are needed for financing the growth of investee companies, and for spin-offs, major industrial investments, and sector and corporate restructurings. The investments of Finnish Industry Investment amount to some EUR 470 million. industryinvestment ONEXIM Group in brief: ONEXIM Group, a private investment fund, holds a diversified portfolio of investments in the mining, metallurgical, energy sectors, including hydrogen power engineering and nanotechnology, as well as in financial services, media, and real estate. December 2, 2008 September 28, 2016 EQT and ATP acquire KMD AS On behalf of EQT 1 and ATP 2. KMD Holding AS today agreed with Local Government Denmark (LGDK) to acquire all shares in KMD AS (KMD) at a price of DKK 2 billion on a debt-free basis. KMD is a leading Danish provider of IT solutions. KMD develops complex and efficient solutions, mainly for Danish municipalities but has increasingly expanded its business to include the state and corporate markets. KMD has some 3,000 employees and in 2007 generated revenues in excess of DKK 3.2 billion. The chairman of LGDK, Erik Fabrin, said: Our concern in the divestment process was to identify the buyer that would provide the best match for the municipalities, for the company and for its employees, and I believe we have succeeded. With EQT and ATP as the owners, the company and its employees will have much better opportunities for growth and for winning new market shares outside the municipality market. Reasons for the acquisition EQT and ATP consider KMD to be a very attractive business with a unique market position as a stable provider of quality IT solutions to Danish municipal and state clients. Against this background, and with the companys platform in the private sector, KMD is well prepared to consolidate its position as one of Denmarks leading IT businesses. KMD enjoys a unique market position that we will work to expand and consolidate in the years ahead. We look forward to working with the KMD management, which has a strong vision for the continued development of the company, said Peter Korsholm, Partner of EQT Partners, the exclusive investment adviser to EQT. We are impressed by the substantial know-how KMD has built, says Bjarne Graven Larsen, Chief Investment Officer of ATP, and he adds: KMD is a strong, healthy business with good prospects. In recent years, the company has successfully continued to develop its business areas. Development plans and the future strategy for KMD In taking over the ownership, EQT and ATP aim to build on KMDs strong existing platform and on the companys current strategy. In the years ahead, the company will be focused on these and other objectives: 8211 Sustaining recent years strong sales growth in KMD by way of continued investment in product development and staying focused on retaining the strong partnership between clients and KMD staff. 8211 Ensuring satisfactory implementation of integrated IT solutions in Danish municipalities, so that KMD can retain its position as the preferred IT business partner of Danish municipalities. 8211 Enhancing the focus on developing IT solutions to state clients by leveraging KMDs unique know-how in public administration. 8211 Sustaining growth in the field of BPO, in fields where KMD possesses strong know-how, such as pay-roll and HR administration, as well as other administrative areas. 8211 Sustaining growth in IT outsourcing in areas where KMD possesses economies of scale. 8211 Assessing potential acquisition candidates in Denmark and the Nordic region that may further strengthen KMDs position in the relevant market segments. EQT and ATP expect that this focused approach can enhance KMDs revenue and earnings substantially over the coming years. EQT and ATP expect an ownership period of 37 years and that the company can become a strong IPO candidate. KMD CEO Lars Monrad-Gylling said: I have a very good impression of EQT and ATP. They have demonstrated extensive insight into KMDs business and have worked openly and actively with our management on the future strategy, which marks a natural next step from our companys existing strategy. I am confident that the new ownership will be a positive step for our clients, our employees and for KMDs future development and growth. Effect on stakeholders EQT and ATP have full confidence in KMDs staff and management headed by Lars Monrad-Gylling. EQT and ATP intend for the existing management team to remain with KMD. Retaining the companys historical focus on client and staff satisfaction is very important to both the KMD management and EQT and ATP. In addition to generally informing the staff, KMDs CEO Lars Monrad-Gylling and a representative of EQT will participate in a number of information meetings at the companys offices over the next week or so. Future ownership EQT will hold 85 while ATP will hold 15 of the shares in KMD Holding AS. The DKK 2 billion acquisition of KMD will be funded with approximately 50 equity and 50 debt. Financing has been provided by five of Denmarks leading financial institutions: Danske Bank, Nordea, Nykredit, FIH and ATP. Closing of the transaction is expected to take place early in the New Year when final approvals from the relevant authorities have been obtained. Bain amp Co. Nordea Corporate Finance, Gorrissen Federspiel Kierkegaard and KPMG have been advisers to EQT and ATP in relation to this transaction. About EQT EQT is a member of one of Europes leading private equity funds groups (EQT Funds). EQT Funds strategy is to develop and implement value-creating growth strategies in attractive businesses in Northern Europe, Eastern Europe, China and the USA through active ownership and by closely cooperating with the management of the companies acquired. To date, EQT Funds have raised a total of EUR 12 billion in 12 different funds. Investors in EQT Funds include a large number of institutional investors, such as Danish and international pension funds, banks, insurance companies, private businesses and funds of funds. EQT Funds have invested in a total of 70 companies, which under fund ownership have generated compound annual revenue growth of 12 while expanding their employee headcount at the same rate. Denmark is a key market for EQT and the EQT Partners office in Copenhagen employs a staff of 9 people. EQT Funds have made 8 investments in Denmark during the past 12 years. Some of the recent investments made in Denmark include ISS (May 2005), BTX (May 2005) and Dako (May 2007). To date, EQT Funds Danish investments have generated compound annual revenue growth of 15 and the employee headcount has risen by 14 annually. For more information, go to eqt. dk. ATP manages pension savings for 4.4 million people and is one of Europes largest pension investors. Pension assets, amounting to DKK 375 billion, are under the management of ATPs investment department. The objective of ATPs investments is to protect and maximize the purchasing power of the pension savings. ATP manages a number of schemes for the Danish parliament, the Folketing, and the social partners, such as the Feriekonto (holiday account) and Danish Employees Guarantee Fund. ATPs investment share of 15 of the equity will be made through ATP Private Equity Partners II KS and Via Venture Partners Fond I KS to the effect that each ATP unit will have a 7.5 ownership interest. ATP Private Equity Partners handles private equity investments on behalf of ATP, including through the ATP Private Equity Partners II KS investment fund, a subsidiary of the ATP Group. ATP Private Equity Partners was formed in 2001, and has since then focused on investments in private equity funds as well as co-investments with such funds. ATP Private Equity Partners is among the largest European investors in the global private equity market with an annual investment programme of DKK 34.5 billion. Investment commitments include commitments to the EQT IV and EQT V funds. Via Venture Partners is among the most recent and largest investors in the Nordic region dedicated to IT company investments. Via Venture Partners Fond I KS, a subsidiary of the ATP Group, was founded in early 2006 and is ATP8217s fund for IT investment purposes. The investments are managed through the management company Via Venture Partners AS. Completing its first investment in June 2006, Via Venture Partners has to date invested in 14 different IT, communications and technology businesses in Sweden, Norway, Finland and Denmark. The fund has DKK 1 billion at its disposal for investment purposes. For further information, please contact: KMD CEO Lars Monrad-Gylling via Head of Press Relations Christoffer Hellmann 45 4460 1809 45 2529 1784 EQT Partners Peter Korsholm, Partner, 45 3312 1236 Morten Hummelmose, Partner, 45 3312 1236 Johan Hhnel, Communications amp PR, 46 70 605 6334 ATP Bjarne Graven Larsen, Chief Investment Officer, ATP, 45 4820 4486 Torben Vangstrup, Partner, ATP Private Equity Partners, 45 3319 3074 John Helmse-Zinck, Managing Partner, Via Venture Partners AS, 45 4010 4405 1 8211 EQT V Limited, acting in its capacity as general partner of EQT V (General Partner) LP, in turn acting in its capacity as (1) general partner of the EQT V (No. 1) Limited Partnership and EQT V (No. 2) Limited Partnership (2) agent for and on behalf of Investor Investment Northern Europe Limited and (3) manager of the EQT V Co-Investment Scheme, together EQT 2 8211 ATP Private Equity Partners II KS and Via Venture Partners Fond I KS (ATPs fund for IT investment purposes), together ATP October 21, 2008 September 28, 2016 Beneq announces collaboration with AGC Flat Glass Europe Beneq Oy (FI) strengthens its position as supplier to the glass industry by Introducing Real Nanotechnology to the Glass Industry and announcing the on-going joint development project and collaboration with AGC Flat Glass Europe (BE) for Beneqs nanotechnology-based glass coating technology, nHALO. Beneqs unique coating technology and equipment combined with AGC Flat Glass Europes extensive experience in the field of glass production and manufacturing technology and knowhow concerning the use of the glass products enables extensive development and commercialization of nHALO-technology. The commercialization of nHALO will cover a wide range of coating applications and these applications will gradually enter into flat glass markets. Collaboration with AGC Flat Glass Europe, a European leader in flat glass is a significant step further for Beneq to introduce nanotechnology solutions to flat glass. AGC Flat Glass Europes resources and know-how gives Beneq valuable information about industry needs and helps us speed up the commercialization of nHALO technology and equipment, says Mr. Sampo Ahonen, CEO of Beneq. Beneqs proprietary nHALO-technology and applications are designed for producing functional surfaces on glass enabling synthesis, deposition and diffusion of nanoparticles in andor on the surface of glass. In the nAERO-process, submicron droplets are directly deposited on hot glass and form a uniform film and the process can be adapted to the transport speeds of glass production and post-processing lines. The main applications for nAERO are low-emissivity and TCO-coatings on glass. Beneq ALD Thin Film Systems are designed for depositing oxides, nitrides and sulfides on metals, polymers and biocompatible materials. ALD applications are applied to optical, tribological, passivation and primer layer high precision thin films for flat and complex 3D-products. For additional information please contact: Mr Sampo Ahonen, CEO, Beneq Oy M: 358 40 520 1090, sampo.. beneq June 12, 2008 September 28, 2016 Radiocomp 038 Altera partner on OBSAICPRI cores Remote Radio Heads leader innovates with plug-and-play IP Denmark-based Radiocomp and Altera Corporation (NASDAQ: ALTR) today announced an integrated, rapid development solution for developers of WiMAX and 3GPP LTE base station equipment. This ready-to-implement technology solution is comprised of Radiocomps Open Base Station Architecture Initiative (OBSAI) and Common Public Ratio Interface (CPRI) IP cores in conjunction with Alteras Stratix IV GX FPGAs. The solution enables quick, efficient and reliable integration of OBSAI and CPRI interfaces for high-speed communication of digital radio and control data between wireless infrastructure base station modules. The latest in OBSAI and CPRI technologies together with innovative Software Defined Radio (SDR) principals are critical components for the development of base station sub-modules and multi-band multi-mode remote radio head systems for standards such as WiMAX WCDMALTE, GSMEDGE and CDMA2000. We are extremely pleased about our partnership with Altera. The RadioComp IP offers a scalable solution for OBSAI and CPRI implementations using Alteras full line of FPGA and HardCopy ASIC series product families. The new flagship Stratix IV and HardCopy IV devices provide a highly integrated system-on-chip implementation platform for multi-sector, multi-antenna RF cards and remote radio head equipment. Radiocomps industry-leading expertise in OBSAICPRI interfacing combined with Alteras industry-leading FPGAs and signal processing IP will greatly speed up the development and availability of next generation radio systems, says Christian Lanzani, Product Manager of Radiocomp. Radiocomp8217s IP cores implement OBSAI RP3RP3-01 v.4.0 and CPRI v3.0 specifications supporting all air interface standards. These IP cores incorporate performance targets, cost, size and flexibility into a single IP core solution together with a complete set of functionality compliant with the latest standards. Key features of the CPRI and OBSAI IP cores include: All-in-one package Support for higher speed serial rates up to 6.144 Gbps Smallest size and power consumption. Optimized Ethernet 10100 MAC included Flexible Antenna Carrier, OampM, Timing and Synchronization Interfaces The Radiocomp solution offers a true plug-and-play approach to easily integrate IP cores into our high speed SERDES transceiver-based Stratix IV GX FPGAs with all of the required layers to support data rates up to 8.5 Gbps, said Philip Lewer, senior manager of strategic marketing, Alteras communications business unit. Additionally, the Radiocomp solution is highly optimized to fit in as little as 3500 logic elements including Ethernet MAC and all data framing and control logic. By optimizing all components specifically for OBSAI and CPRI implementations, this solution lowers overall system cost and power consumption substantially compared to competing solutions. Radiocomp is a leading provider of systems and components for next generation mobile and wireless networks. Radiocomp is the first company in the world dedicated to developing and manufacturing state-of-the-art, fully software-configurable remote radio head products and components for WiMAX and LTE networks. Alteras programmable solutions enable system and semiconductor companies to rapidly and cost-effectively innovate, differentiate and win in their markets. Find out more at altera . At Radiocomp contact Claus Hetting at At Altera contact Jim Adams at May 28, 2008 September 28, 2016 Anders Lindqvist joins Via Venture Partners Anders Lindqvist will as of June 1st 2008 join Via Venture Partners in Copenhagen, the premier partner for expanding technology companies in the Nordic region. I am very much looking forward to working with Via Venture Partners and the great team already in place. Via Venture Partners already on its way to become a leading Nordic venture fund is highly attractive and I certainly will do my best to contribute to the continued success In addition the fund is backed by the strong and highly reputable investor ATP says Anders about his decision to join. Anders has 25 years of experience from venture capital and the IT industry. Prior to joining Via Venture Partners, he was a partner at Provider Venture in Stockholm for 9 years. Before that Anders became a Swedish Internet pioneer in 1996 by starting the highly acclaimed S-E-Banken Internetbank. In his career he has held several executive positions at S-E-Banken as well as in major Nordic IT companies. At Provider Venture Partners Anders has acted as Chairman of the board in Tradera, Payson, Pommad and has been a board member in, among others, FoxT, Envox, Computas and Cypak. John Helmse-Zinck, Managing Partner at Via Venture Partners says: With Anders Lindqvist joining Via Venture Partners and Anders Grns who started with us already last year, we feel we now have a very strong experience base in the Swedish market and will be able to even more actively pursue the investment opportunities we perceive exist in the Swedish market 8221 For further questions you are welcome to contact Anders Lindqvist at tel 46 705404183 John Helmse-Zinck at tel 45 4010 4405 Via Venture Partners (viaventurepartners ) is a EUR 134 million (approx. SEK 1.25 billion) multi stage venture fund investing in exceptional companies in the Nordic region. Founded in early 2006, Via Venture Partners is a privately owned and independent Nordic software and communication venture capital firm. Via Venture Partners Limited Partner is ATP, who manages Danish pension savings in excess of DKK 400 billion. The portfolio of presently 13 Nordic companies is expected to grow rapidly within the next couple of years do to a high investment activity level. January 8, 2008 September 28, 2016 Beneq awarded first price in growth company competition Helsingin Sanomat, the largest daily newspaper in Finland, organized for a second time a Future winners competition where most potential and successful young growth companies were searched for. In the first phase of the competition a questionnaire was sent to Finnish venture capital investors and other professionals working with and knowing young growth companies. The participants of the questionnaire were asked to name the most potential growth companies, with a restriction that they were not allowed to vote any company in their own investment portfolio. An amount of 160 companies were mentioned in the answers. Those 10 companies having gained biggest amount of votes were published and presented in the newspaper. A final round between the 10 companies was organized yesterday. All the finalists gave a short presentation in front of a public and a jury of 6 students from 3 top universities, Helsinki University of Technology, Helsinki School of Economics and University of Art and Design Helsinki. The jury elected Beneq as the winner of the competition. In their comments the jury was strongly impressed by Beneqs story where e. g. international customers and growth has been targeted from the very beginning. Beneq management appreciates the award and emphasizes the importance of the highly skilled and motivated personnel behind the success. A series of articles regarding the competition has been published in Helsingin Sanomat during the past week and the result and Beneq gained a lot of publicity in todays. A good amount of material is also available in their www-pages hs. fi. Beneq Oy, Vantaa, Finland, is a supplier of industrial equipment for global markets. Beneq is addressing the market of industrial equipment for producing functional surfaces with the latest technology, typically utilizing nanosize materials. Main products of Beneq include equipment and technology for nHALO (Hot Aerosol Layering Operation) and ALD (Atomic Layer Deposition). ALD technology is a thin film coating method used to produce accurate, pinhole-free and conformal thin-film coatings on various substrates. For additional information please contact: Sampo Ahonen, CEO, Beneq Oy, M 358 40 5201090, sampo.. beneq Via Venture Partners AS Managing partner John Helmse-Zinck telefon 40 10 44 05 December 20, 2007 September 28, 2016 Jysksjllandske Detail Data AS opgraderer til internationalisering Ny direktr, delvist generationsskifte og ny strk kapitalpartner i Via Venture Partners som medinvestor er den cocktail af opgraderinger som succesfulde Detail Data gennemfrer p en og samme gang. Detail Data, som er Danmarks frende selskab indenfor point-of-sale butiks-IT til modebranchen, gr nu mlrettet efter at erobre det europiske marked. For at styrke selskabets ledelse tiltrder Peder Falck som ny direktr pr. 11-2008. Peder Falck kommer senest fra en stilling som direktr i Caslon-IT og har lang topledelses-erfaring i internationalt salg af software og detailhandelslsninger. Peder Falck efterflger direktr Frank Fredelund Nielsen, som fortstter i ledelsesgruppen. Tre af de nuvrende ejere er get sammen med den nye direktr og Via Venture Partners for at gennem et nystiftet holdingselskab at gennemfre et generationsskifte, et ledelsesskifte og en udvidet kapitalstrk ejerkreds i Detail Data. Detail Data beskftiger 30 medarbejdere i Silkeborg, Kge og Stockholm. Selskabets aktiviteter bestr af udvikling, salg og servicering af intelligente IT-lsninger til detailhandlen 8211 primrt butikker indenfor tj, sko, sport og smykker i bde ind - og udland. Butikslsningerne markedsfres under navnene Satellite og Chess. Selskabet har i dag installeret mere end 1.000 butikslsninger og har i gennem de senere r haft en strkt stigende eftersprgsel bde i Danmark og udlandet. P baggrund af vores succesfulde og profitable vkst i de seneste r og med en omstning p sm DKK 40 mio. behvede vi egentlig ikke at gre noget som helst, siger Frank Fredelund Nielsen, direktr til dato og medejer. Men vi er ambitise p selskabets og vores kunders vegne. Derfor flte vi det naturligt at gre os klar til det nste skridt i virksomhedens udvikling. Hele opgraderingen skal stte skub i bde den internationale ekspansion og i en videreudvikling af det grundlggende software. Detail Data er allerede reprsenteret i Sverige og Norge gennem datterselskabet Detalj Data AB, som p kort sigt vil blive get i antal medarbejdere og dermed i omstning. Derefter er mlet at komme ind p det store tyske marked, som bner for de helt store afstningsmuligheder. Vi ser en stor vkstmulighed i en strre internationalisering, siger John Helmse-Zinck fra Via Venture Partners og nyt bestyrelsesmedlem i Detail Data. Detail Data, som er markeds-leder i Danmark, har med stor succes fulgt med de strre danske butikskder i deres ekspansion uden for Danmarks grnser, og dermed fet bevis for, at systemerne har store muligheder i udlandet. Disse udenlandske installationer giver en god platform, som selskabet og den ny ledelse vil udnytte med det ml at blive den frende IT-leverandr til de europiske modebutikker, fortstter John Helmse-Zinck. Gennem en frste investering i holdingselskabet p 18,3 mio. kombineret med et bankln p DKK 15 mio. er Via Venture Partners indtrdt i ejerkredsen med en ejerandel p ca. 50 Via Venture Partners er en af de nyeste IT VC-aktrer og blandt de rigtigt store i Norden. Via Venture Partners lavede sin frste investering i juni 2006 og har nu investeret i 13 forskellige IT selskaber i Sverige, Norge, Finland og Danmark. Via Venture Partners har en investeringskapital p 1 mia. kr. hvoraf hovedparten stammer fra ATP. For yderligere information: Detail Data Danmark AS Direktr Peder Falck (tiltrder 1. januar 2008) telefon 29 49 25 00 Bestyrelsesformand Svend Carstensen telefon 25 42 98 75 Via Venture Partners AS Managing partner John Helmse-Zinck telefon 40 10 44 05 October 10, 2007 September 28, 2016 WPA Mobile fr ny CEO og flere penge fra Via Venture Partners Den nordiske teknologi-venture fond, Via Venture Partners, skyder et tocifret millionbelb i danske WPA Mobile, for yderligere at understtte softwarevirksomhedens ambitise vkstplaner. WPA Mobile styrker samtidig ledelsen med ansttelsen af Per Pedersen som adm. direktr (CEO). Per Pedersen, 47, bringer mange rs ledelseserfaring fra salg og marketing i internationale IT-virksomheder som Microsoft og Navision med til WPA Mobile, der er frende p det danske marked for mobile standardlsninger til forsyningsog byggesektoren samt industriel service. Per Pedersens salgs - og ledelsesmssige erfaringer og styrker passer perfekt til WPA Mobiles udfordringer og vkstplaner bde i Danmark og internationalt, siger WPAs stifter Jens Davidsen, der forlader posten som CEO for at koncentrere sig om salg og produktudvikling. Per Pedersen, der tiltrdte som CEO i WPA Mobile den 8. oktober, har vret medlem af WPA Mobiles bestyrelse siden marts 2007, men udtrder af bestyrelsen i forbindelse sin tiltrden som CEO. Per Pedersen har tidligere bl. a. vret salg og marketingdirektr i brsnoterede Danware Data, Director i Microsoft og Senior Vice President i Navision. Jeg har med interesse fulgt WPA Mobile i flere r og senest som medlem af bestyrelsen. Det er en meget fascinerende virksomhed med en enestende mobility lsning, der meget hurtigt skaber vrdi for kunderne. Jeg er stolt over at komme med p holdet og bidrage til den fortsatte vkst i et af Danmarks mest innovative softwareselskaber, siger Per Pedersen. WPA-lsningen, der i 2005 blev kret af Microsoft som den mest innovative mobile servicelsning i verden, oplever stor vkst i Danmark og har inden for de sidste to r etableret sig i det vrige Norden, Storbritannien, Irland, Tyskland og Benelux-landende. WPAs omkostningseffektive lsninger sikrer kunderne en get produktivitet og likviditet samtidig med at kundetilfredsheden ges markant. Peter Thorlund Haahr fra Via Venture Partners, der foretog sin frste investering i WPA i 2005, siger: WPA Mobile har et kmpe potentiale. De succeskriterier vi opstillede i forbindelse med den frste investering er alle indfriet. Produktet er klart frende i Danmark indenfor byggeri, forsyning og servicevirksomheder. Samtidig har virksomheden nu et solidt fodfste udenfor Danmark i UK, Irland, Benelux samt Sverige. Ansttelsen af en kapacitet som Per Pedersen samtidig med en yderligere investering fra Via Ventures er en del af strategien om at gre WPA Mobile til en frende leverandr af mobile lsninger. For yderligere oplysninger kontakt: Per Pedersen, WPA Mobile, mobil: 45 24 26 97 63 ( ) Jens Davidsen, WPA Mobile, mobil: 45 40 78 04 73 ( ) Bestyrelsesformand Lars Thomsen, mobil 45 23 38 50 43 Peter Thorlund Haahr, Via Venture Partners, mobil: 45 28 10 17 95 Om WPA Mobile WPA Mobile leverer mobile lsninger til virksomheder i forsynings - og byggesektoren og industrielle servicevirksomheder og har siden lanceringen i 2003 opnet en position som markedsleder i Danmark. WPA Mobiles lsning benyttes dagligt af flere hundrede teknikere og montrer, og blandt kunderne er DONG, Hydro Texaco, OK Olie, Kemp amp Lauritzen, Jansson Gruppen, Scanomat og Bramidan. WPA Mobile er Gold Certified Microsoft Partner, og blev i forret 2005 af Microsoft udnvnt til en af de 25 mest innovative softwarevirksomheder i verden. I 2005 blev WPA Mobile kret som WorldWide Microsoft Partner of the Year i kategorien Mobile Innovation og er i dag blandt de hjst prmierede virksomheder inden for Mobility hos Microsoft. Ls mere om WPA Mobile p wpamobile Om Via Venture Partners Via Venture Partners, der blev etableret i starten af 2006, er en venture fond, der investerer i nordiske virksomheder inden for softwareudvikling og telekommunikation med et internationalt vkstpotentiale. Via Venture Partners har en investeringskapital p 1 mia. kr. hvoraf hovedparten stammer fra Danmarks strste pensionskasse, ATP. Ls mere om Via Venture Partners p viaventurepartners Sdan fungerer WPA Mobiles lsning Med WPA Mobile har montrer og serviceteknikere p farten mulighed for online via en brbar eller hndholdt pc (PDA) bl. a. at registrere vare - og timeforbrug, opdatere servicerapporter eller tjekke tidligere rapporter og andre kundeoplysninger. Hjemme i servicevirksomheden giver lsningen et grafisk overblik over alle ordrer og medarbejdere, hvilket sikrer en optimal planlgning og fordeling af ressourcerne samt helt kontant fordele som hurtigere fakturering, bedre lagerstyring og mindre administration. September 4, 2007 September 28, 2016 Radiocomp secures financial backing from Via Venture Partners The innovative provider of next generation WiMAX radio infrastructure systems Radiocomp ApS has secured DKK 16 million in financing from leading Nordic technology venture capital firm Via Venture Partners. In return Via Venture Partners has become a minority shareholder of Radiocomp. The injection of funds means that Radiocomp8217s product and systems development projects as well as the companys drive towards global market penetration can advance at full speed. The funding also means that Radiocomp will be exceedingly well positioned to secure a significant share of the rapidly growing global market for remote radio heads amp components. The demand for WiMAX remote radio heads in particular is expected to explode already in 2008-2009. The mobile industry is facing a paradigm shift in the way networks will be designed and deployed. Radiocomps remote radio head products address a global market expected to grow to more than a billion dollars in 2010, and we intend to take a significant share of this. We are delighted that Via Venture Partners shares our vision and our goal, says CEO of Radiocomp, Thomas Noergaard. Radiocomp boasts a unique group of highly skilled and experienced radio frequency and optical engineers from the globally leading radio frequency environment in Denmark. The company has already shown commitment and ability to drive the WiMAX remote radio head paradigm shift and we are convinced they will continue to develop world class equipment and solutions for the WiMAX and UMTS industries, says Jakob Rybak-Andersen from Via Venture Partners. In the short term Radiocomp intends to strengthen and expand its knowledge base and workforce in the areas of sales, software development, marketing, production, and supply chain management. Radiocomp has already announced its first WiMAX radio head product and is working closely with industry-leading technology suppliers and mobile network solution providers for the delivery of systems and components for distributed base station systems. For further information, please contact: Thomas Noergaard, CEO, Radiocomp, 45 27 11 34 80 Jakob Rybak-Andersen, Via Venture Partners, 45 29 40 17 19 About Radiocomp: Radiocomp is a leading provider of systems and components for next generation mobile and wireless networks. Radiocomp is the first company in the world dedicated to developing and manufacturing state-of-the-art, fully software-configurable remote radio head products and components for WiMAX and UMTS networks. Radiocomp is a privately owned limited company incorporated in Denmark. The company is headquartered north of Copenhagen in the city of Hillerd. (radiocomp ) About Via Venture Partners: Via Venture Partners, established early 2006, is a multistage venture investor in the Nordic market to software and communication growth companies. With DKK 1 billion under management Via Venture Partners is one of the biggest Nordic players in the softwarecommunication segment. The main part of Via Venture Partners Fund I KS8217s DKK 1 billion in equity is contributed by ATP (Denmarks largest pension scheme). August 15, 2007 September 28, 2016 Nanotechnology equipment supplier Beneq raises EUR 3 million in venture capital funding Danish venture capital investor Via Venture Partners has together with Finnish Inventure Oy and other earlier investors invested EUR 3 million in nanotechnology equipment supplier Beneq (beneq ). Beneqs main products include equipment and technology for nHALO TM (Hot Aerosol Layering Operation) and ALD (Atomic Layer Deposition). nHALO TM is a flame spray technology, used mainly for applying functional coatings on glass and ceramic tiles as well as for nanoparticle synthesis. ALD technology is a thin film coating method which was first developed in Finland and widely used in the semiconductor industry. ALD systems are used to produce accurate, pinhole-free and conformal thin-film coatings on various substrates. Beneq focuses on delivering new industrial applications utilizing ALD technology. Beneq has recently launched new industrial applications and entered into significant customer contracts including several industrial equipment deliveries. With the new investment round Beneq will speed up international growth and strengthen its organization. The financing deal with Via Venture Partners enables us to continue the fast development and international growth of Beneq, says Sampo Ahonen . CEO and one of the founding shareholders of Beneq. We have chosen Via as a venture capital partner because they have strong know how and resources for investing in technology growth companies. We also appreciate that Inventure together with other earlier investors participate in this second round and the good cooperation and board function with them will continue. Beneq has exceptional skills in turning new functional coating inventions into working equipment for manufacturing. We see a strong growth in functional coating and our ambition is to build a world leading equipment manufacturer, tells Peter Thorlund Haahr . from Via Venture Partners and new member of the board of Beneq. We are very pleased with Beneqs performance during the past year since our initial investment. The company has managed to penetrate the market with their products and technology exceptionally well. The new financing round together with an international investor supports the companys chosen internalization strategy., says Timo Tirkkonen . partner at Inventure. Beneq Oy . Vantaa, Finland, is a supplier of industrial equipment for global markets. Beneq is addressing the market of industrial equipment for producing functional surfaces with the latest technology, typically utilizing nanosize materials. Beneq acts as a business facilitator adding value for high-tech partner companies by converting proven innovations into industrial equipment. Beneq was founded 2005, employs 21 persons and currently operates in Vantaa. Inventure is one of the most active and experienced early growth stage investors in Finland. Inventure manages and develops a portfolio of 15 technology companies, including international expansion companies such as MySQL, Silex Microsystems, Fastrax and Xelerated as well as early-stage investments such as Beneq, Trackway, Pancomp, Zipic and Upstream. Via Venture Partners, established early 2006, is a multistage venture investor in the Nordic market to ICT growth companies. With EUR 134 million under management Via Venture Partners is one of the biggest Nordic players in the ICT segment. The main part of Via Venture Partners Fond I KS8217s EUR 134 million equity is contributed by ATP (Denmarks largest pension scheme), while the remaining derives from issue of employee shares. Via Venture Partners has great focus and know how on all aspects of Nordic companies venturing into international business. Partner Peter Thorlund Haahr . Via Venture Partners AS mobile 45 28 10 17 95, May 30, 2007 September 28, 2016 OptoGaN Oy Raises 5 million euros Round of Funding for LEDs to replace light bulbs LEDs with bulb-like brightness at bulb-like price. Helsinki, Finland, May 29, 2007 8211 OptoGaN, the upcoming priceperformance leader in Light Emitting Diodes (LED) chips, today announced that it has closed its next round of funding led by the Nordic Venture Fund, Via Venture Partners. OptoGaN8217s existing investors VNT Management Oy Power Fund I and Finnish Industry Investment Ltd also participated in the financing round. The company has the technology to replace light bulbs with LED and the new funding will mainly be used to introduce their chips to the market. Until now LEDs have in general not been bright enough for illumination purposes and the cost has been too high. With OptoGaNs patented technology it is now possible to make very bright LEDs at low cost. This will open the market for LEDs for general illumination. LEDs are very appealing: LED lamps will use 10-12 times less energy than traditional bulbs and 2-2 times less than energy saving lamps. They will have an expected life time of approx. 15 years and will be able to produce light with the same colour spectrum as the sun. A total change from light bulbs to LEDs is estimated to potentially reduce global energy consumption by 15 and thereby potentially also save the environment from significant green house gases. Bernd Meyer, CEO, OptoGaN Oy says: 8220We are very glad that Via Venture Partners has joined the company. With a strong financial partner like VIA and the expertise it provides, we are convinced that we will meet our aggressive targets over the coming years and becoming the leading independent LED chip manufacture. 8220OptoGaN holds the key for LEDs to replace bulbs for illumination and with the global focus on energy saving we have high expectations to our investment in OptoGaN says Via Venture Partners Principal Peter Thorlund Haahr, who will join the board of OptoGaN. VNT Management Oy Power Fund I has focused from 2003 on Renewable and Energy Saving Technology Companies. General illumination is a huge potential market for LEDs . VNT Management Oy Power Fund I has been with the OptoGaN Team from the start-up phase. We believe on company success because of strong IPR and advanced technology says Chairman of the OptoGaN Board, Veijo Karppinen. OptoGan is a good example of a truly global technology start-up company. It has been established trough intensive collaboration between Helsinki University of Technology and a Russian scientist team. The technology has been developed in Finland by two Russian scientists and the semiconductor production expertise originates from Germany, states Investment Director Antti Kummu from Finnish Industry Investment Ltd. For more information, please contact: Bernd Meyer, OptoGaN Oy, tel. 49 231 477 30400, bernd. or Peter Thorlund Haahr, Via Venture Partners AS, 45 28101795, OptoGaN Oy in brief: OptoGaN is a Finnish and German company with leading technology in GaN-based LEDs. OptoGaN was founded in 2004 in Helsinki by two Russian Physicists. With a research lab at the Helsinki University of Technology and a pilotline and production facilities in Dortmund OptoGaN has the facilities to become a leading LED chip manufacturer. Via Venture Partners in brief: Via Venture Partners, established early 2006, is a multistage venture investor in the Nordic market to ICT growth companies. With EUR 134 million under management Via Venture Partners is one of the biggest Nordic players in the ICT segment. The main part of Via Venture Partners Fond I KS8217s EUR 134 million equity is contributed by ATP (Denmarks largest pension scheme), while the remaining derives from issue of employee shares. Via Venture Partners has great focus and know how on all aspects of Nordic companies venturing into international business. VNT Management in brief: VNT Management Oy was founded year 2002. The first fund, Power Fund I, was raised in February 2003 with a fund size of 17 Meur. VNT Management Oy is focusing on Renewable Energy and Distributed Power Generation, Energy Saving and Clean Tech areas. VNT Management Oy was one of the first management companies having focus in above mentioned areas in Europe. The main investors are Finnish Industry Investment Ltd, insurance companies Varma and Veritas and industrial investors. VNT Management Oy is on Fund II raising phase. First closing will be in Autumn 2007. Focus will be the same as in Power Fund I. Fund raising target is 50 Meur. Finnish Industry Investment Ltd in brief: Finnish Industry Investment Ltd is a government-owned investment company. The company invests the proceeds accrued from the privatisation of state-owned companies in promoting the growth and internationalisation of Finnish businesses. Finnish Industry Investment invests in capital funds and also directly in companies. The targets are in all sectors. Industry Investment Ltd8217s investments and investment commitments amount to some MEUR 360. May 8, 2007 September 28, 2016 Anders Grns joins Via Venture Partners Anders Grns will as of June 1 st 2007 join Via Venture Partners in Copenhagen, the premier partner for expanding technology companies in the Nordic region. I see the opportunity of joining Via Venture Partners as a unique one, becoming part of an experienced team in the still early stages of the venture firm. In addition the fund is backed by the strong and highly reputable investor ATP says Anders about his decision to join. Anders has 15 years of experience from RampD, consulting and venture capital. Before joining Via Venture Partners in 2007, he was investment manager at Industrifonden in Stockholm. Prior to this he ran his own venture capital advisory firm and acted as a business angel. He has been in the Venture Capital business since 1997 when he joined Novare Kapital, a subsidiary of Investor AB as an investment manager, which subsequently was merged into Investor Growth Capital where he held a position of managing director. Anders has also been a consultant at the Boston Consulting Group and worked with RampD at ABB Corporate Research. In his previous venture career, Anders held directorships in Parallel Systems AB, Projektplatsen AB, Umetrics AB, Popwire AB Hybrid Graphics Oy, Digia Oy, Storegate AB and is currently chairman of Picsearch AB. Anders holds a M. Sc. in Engineering Physics from Uppsala University and an MBA from Stanford Graduate School of Business. Via Venture Partners in brief: Via Venture Partners is a multistage technology venture investor in the Nordic market focusing on exceptional growth companies, and with DKK 1 billion under management Via Venture Partners is one of the biggest Nordic players in the segment. The main part of Via Venture Partners Fond I KS8217s committed capital is contributed by ATP (Denmarks largest pension fund). For questions, please contact managing partner John Helmse-Zinck at tel 45 4010 4405 or e-mail March 19, 2007 September 28, 2016 ComActivity secures investment plan of 40 MSEK to accelerate international expansion Industrifonden (SE) and Via Venture Partners (DK) have agreed to invest SEK 20 million in ComActivity a Nordic-based enterprise software vendor with customers on three continents. In addition, the terms for an additional SEK 20 million within 18 months from the two investors have already been finalized. The investment proceeds will be used to accelerate ComActivitys expansion over continental Europe, North America and Asia-Pacific. ComActivity develops business solutions that develop upon and streamline companies8217 existing business applications. Rather than replacing old systems, ComActivity modernizes these and renews the company8217s way of working by integrating several applications into a common user interface, complemented by added functionalities. ComActivitys solutions are built on a service-oriented architecture, a model driven development method and graphical workflow. Industrifonden and Via Venture Partners combined ownership share will initially be above 20. After the potential exercise of the additional SEK 20 million option the combined ownership will still be a minority stake. Industrifonden and Via Venture Partners have acted as partners throughout the entire investment process which has been very professional and in a very good atmosphere. We are pleased that the investment plan has been designed with the best interest of the founders in mind says Peter Bjrkman, founder and CEO of ComActivity. ComActivity has developed a very compelling and internationally competitive solution which again demonstrates the innovative power of the Nordic software industry. We are very happy to be able to support the companys continued expansion, says Anders Grns, Investment Manager at Industrifonden. Having such a powerful solution and so many satisfied customers, I believe ComActivity is poised for a very strong position in the new era of enterprise computing, adds John Helmse-Zinck, Managing Partner at Via Venture Partners. Peter Bjrkman, ComActivity continues: With Industrifonden and Via Venture Partners we not only get strong support of two of the largest venture funds in Scandinavia. They also bring very valuable competences to the company through our two new board members Anders Grns and John Helmse-Zinck For more information please contact: Peter Bjrkman, CEO, ComActivity, 47 416 792 58 Anders Grns, Investment Manager, Industrifonden, 46 734 44 10 01 John Helmse-Zinck, Managing Partner, Via Venture Partners, 45 40 10 44 05 ComActivity in brief: ComActivity develops business solutions that develop upon and streamline companies8217 existing business applications. Rather than replacing old systems, ComActivity modernizes these and renews the company8217s way of working by integrating several applications into a common user interface, complemented by added functionalities. ComActivitys solutions are built on a service-oriented architecture, a model driven development method and graphical workflow. wwwactivity Industrifonden in brief: Industrifonden is a large multi-sector, early stage investor in Swedish growth companies. It combines financing with active ownership, competence and networks. It covers the whole country, through its direct investments and eleven associate venture capital companies. It has total assets of MSEK 3,400 and holdings in about 170 companies, direct and indirect. industrifonden. se Via Venture Partners in brief: Via Venture Partners is a multistage technology venture investor in the Nordic market focusing on software and communication growth companies, and with DKK 1 billion under management Via Venture Partners is one of the biggest Nordic players in the segment. The main part of Via Venture Partners Fond I KS8217s committed capital is contributed by ATP (Denmarks largest pension fund). viaventurepartners February 19, 2007 Adra Match klare for offensiv internasjonal satsing Lederskifte varsler om en mer offensiv internasjonal satsning for norske Adra Match, som leverer systemer for avstemning av regnskap og bankkontoer. Sverre Stockinger, mangerig leder og grnder i Adra Match, gir n ansvaret for den daglige ledelsen over til Christian Landmark. N skal Landmark fre Adra Match videre ut i Europa. Landmark har tidligere arbeidet med bygge opp selskaper i Europa, med hovedvekt i Nederland, Belgia, Tyskland og Storbritannia. 8211 Vi har ambisjoner om mangedoble omsetningen i lpet av noen f r. Med tunge partnere som Via Venture Partners og Pod Holding, mener vi alvor med vre vekstambisjoner ut i Europa, sier Landmark. Kontroll p regnskapet 8211 Tross de internasjonale vekstambisjonene, kommer vi fortsatt til ha sterkt fokus p eksisterende marked. Vi vil jo ogs at selskapene i Norden skal ha kontroll i regnskapet, sier Landmark. Adra Match har allerede etablert seg i Skandinavia, og legger i disse dager strategien for hvordan bringe selskapet videre ut i Europa. Kontoret i Danmark har ogs hatt et lederskifte. Mads Rnholt har tiltrdt som leder for den danske avdelingen. Rnholt har de siste rene jobbet som CSE, Client Solution Executive, for IBM i Kbenhavn. Adra Match er Nordens ledende utvikler og markedsfrer av programvare for automatiske kontoavstemminger og automatisk oppdatering av innbetalinger uten KID. Selskapet ble etablert i 1989 med hovedkontor i Oslo, og har datterselskaper med egne kontorer i Stockholm, Kbenhavn og London. Oslo 8.februar 2007 For mer informasjon, kontakt: Informasjonskonsultent: Ole Emil Johnsen, Telefon: 986 36 858, E-post: ole. Denne pressemeldingen er skrevet for Adra Match AS. February 2, 2007 September 28, 2016 Dansk mobility-software foran internationalt gennembrud Blot f mneder efter at den nordiske venture fond, Via Venture Partners, skd penge i den danske softwarevirksomhed, WPA Mobile, for at stte skub i WPAs internationale ambitioner, har gazellevirksomheden fet hul p flere vigtige markeder i Europa. Og verdens strste marked for mobile lsninger, USA, er nste ml. WPA Mobile, der er frende p det danske marked for mobile standardlsninger til virksomheder i forsynings - og byggesektoren samt industriel service, har fet overraskende hurtigt fat i det britiske og irske marked og har netop fjet verdens strste sikkerhedskoncern, Group 4 Securicor, og Irlands strste kurer-service, FasTrack, der er ejet af Irish Rail, til kundelisten. I Sverige har flere servicevirksomheder kbt lsningen 8211 der i 2005 blev kret af Microsoft som den mest innovative mobile servicelsning i verden 8211 og WPA har forelbig indget aftaler med to landsdkkende forhandlere af administrative virksomhedssystemer, de skaldte ERP-systemer. WPA-lsningen er ogs i brug i Holland, og til at dkke Benelux-landene bner WPA Mobile pr. 1. februar bnet et kontor i Antwerpen i Belgien. I Tyskland ventes de frste aftaler i hus i lbet de kommende mneder. Vi har fet hurtigere fat i udlandet, end vi havde regnet med. Og isr det britiske marked ser lovende ud. Der er en fantastisk interesse for vores produkt, som tydeligvis dkker et helt konkret behov i en rkke store servicekoncerner, siger WPAs stifter og adm. direktr Jens Davidsen. Men nste store ml er USA. Og her fr WPA en enestende chance for at profilere sig p den store Microsoft forhandlermesse, Convergence 2007, i San Diego i Californien til marts. Her skal WPA og Jens Davidsen prsentere den seneste version af WPAs lsning, der er baseret p Microsofts nyeste mobile teknologi for virksomhedslsninger, Microsoft Dynamics Mobile. USA er en kmpe udfordring, som vil krve endnu en gearing af virksomheden, siger Jens Davidsen. Via Venture Partners er da ogs klar til skyde flere penge i WPA for at sikre, at det internationale potentiale udnyttes fuldt ud. Via Venture Partners har 1 mia. kr. til investeringer i IT virksomheder, s vi har al den kapital, der skal til for at sikre, at WPA bliver en lige s stor succes i udlandet, som WPA er i Danmark i dag, siger Peter Thorlund Haahr fra Via Venture Partners. Sdan fungerer WPA Mobile Med WPA Mobile kan montrer og serviceteknikere p farten mulighed online via en brbar eller hndholdt pc (PDA) bl. a. registrere vare - og timeforbrug og opdatere servicerapporter eller tjekke tidligere rapporter og andre kundeoplysninger. Hjemme i servicevirksomheden giver det et grafisk overblik over alle ordrer og medarbejdere, hvilket sikrer en optimal planlgning og fordeling af ressourcerne samt helt kontant fordele som hurtigere fakturering, bedre lagerstyring og mindre administration. Om WPA WPA Mobile leverer mobile lsninger til virksomheder i forsynings - og byggesektoren og industrielle servicevirksomheder og har siden lanceringen i 2003 opnet en position som markedsleder i Danmark. WPA Mobiles lsning benyttes dagligt af flere hundrede teknikere og montrer, og blandt kunderne er DONG, Hydro Texaco, OK Olie, Kemp amp Lauritzen, Jansson Gruppen, Scanomat og Bramidan. WPA Mobile er Gold Certified Microsoft Partner, og blev i forret 2005 af Microsoft udnvnt til en af de 25 mest innovative softwarevirksomheder i verden. I 2005 blev WPA Mobile kret som WorldWide Microsoft Partner of the Year i kategorien Mobile Innovation og er i dag den hjst prmierede virksomhed inden for Mobility hos Microsoft. Ls mere om WPA Mobile p wpamobile Om Via Venture Partners Via Venture Partners, der blev etableret i starten af 2006, er en venture fond, der investerer i nordiske virksomheder inden for softwareudvikling og telekommunikation med et internationalt vkstpotentiale. Via Venture Partners har en investeringskapital p 1 mia. kr. hvoraf hovedparten stammer fra Danmarks strste pensionskasse, ATP. Ls mere om Via Venture Partners pviaventurepartners For yderligere oplysninger kontakt: Jens Davidsen, WPA Mobile, 40780473 ellerMarket leading equity trading system for emerging markets, offering integrated, front, middle and back office functions. TradeNet is characterized by an extremely secure and scalable architecture that can support hundreds of thousands of orders in a single trading session. Equity Trading Solutions Datability Ninety X aims to maintain your core data at a quality level of ninety x percent, all the time, and despite changes in your architecture and application portfolio You only pay an annual subscription for the solution. No software purchase is required. The solution is deployed on premise. Manage Your Data Quality Reforming Real Estate Business Get a comprehensive vision on your properties Handle property business processes efficiently Extends the capabilities of Investment management systems to enable users to make more informed decisions and capitalize on new opportunities Investment Business InsightsAdvanced Statistical Arbitrage for MetaTrader MT4 - Version 3 Statistical arbitrage trading techniques (sometimes knows as convergence or pairs trading) are based on the concept of mean reversion. The system continuously monitors the performance of two historically highly correlated instruments which the trader defines. When the correlation between the two instruments weakens or diverges beyond a pre-defined level - V3 will automatically and simulataneously buy the weakest instrument and sell the strongest. Once mean reversion takes place the net position created by the two trades will generally be in profit. This trading strategy demands a good understanding of leverage and risk control, the ability to analyse highly correlated instruments across different asset classes and an understanding of how to interpret spreads. (The Spread is the effective difference between the two instruments being monitored for potential arbitrage opportunities. The image below introduces quotThe Spreadquot which is a core component of any arbitrage system. Video Walkthrough for Spread Basics The screenshots above demonstrate the potential for healthy profits using statistical arbitrage conversion trading techniques. The keen eyed will note the timeframe over which these conceptual trades were made was from April 2009 through to September 2012 - 7 trades in over 3 years definitely qualifies for low frequency trading although the potential upside opportunities from long term arbitrage trades can be exceptional. However, most traders require higher trade frequencies so an arbitrage system needs to be able to operate on much lower timeframes and with much higher trading frequencies. Arbitrage Trading Timeframes and Perspective The SampP500GER40 example above elegantly showed the simplicity of the mean reversion technique. However, when highly correlated assets are analysed on shorter timeframes the situation becomes more complex. Theoretically the ideal time to execute arb trades using conventional entry and exit logic is when the spread is termed stationary. This is where the spread (the difference between the prices of the two instruments) oscillates fairly sinusoidally around its moving average. Ideally the moving average should be as flat as possible. The screenshot above for Gold and Silver demonstrates how the spread changes from a directional to a stationary nature over quite a short time period. A stationary spread is ideal for arb trading as it permits trades in both directions - ie selling GoldBuying Silver when the spread is above the upper trigger level and buying Goldselling Silver when the spread is below the lower trigger level. The challenge occurs when the spread dynamics change from stationary to directional. A directional spread is where the moving average is increasingdecreasing over time. In other words one pair is continuously strengthening while the other is either unchanged or weakening. In this scenario we need an automated arbitrage engine to be able to automatically detect the direction of the spread. Over the course of the V3 development program we have experimented with various algorithms to track and monitor spread trend. In the latest version we are using a multi-timeframe detection algorithm to determine whether the spread is stationary (ranging) or directional (trending). These are detailed in detail in the modular overviews which follow. V3 Architecture The first V3 versions were released in Jun 2011 and the product has been updated and improved systematically since launch. V3 provides a new graphical user interface and a whole host of other features detailed below. The V3 Arbitrage System consists of two core components:- The Gen Starb expert advisor (EA) The STD Indicator In simple terms the STD indicator monitors the spread and provides entry signals. The expert advisor carries out trade execution and management functions. Essentially the two applications communicate in real time using the MetaTrader Global Variable (GVAR) table. They both sit on a generic FX AlgoTrader deployment archtecture shown in the image below. RISK DISCLOSURE The products on this site are trading tools and are not intended to replace individual research or licensed investment advice. Die bisherige Wertentwicklung garantiert keine zukünftigen Ergebnisse. Trading currencies involves substantial risk, and there is always the potential for loss. No representation is being made that these products will guarantee profits or not result in losses from trading. Any explanation or demonstration of the products operation should not be construed as a trade recommendation or the provision of investment advice. The purchase or sale of a currency can only be performed by a licensed BrokerDealer. The V3 STD Indicator The STD indicator produces real time spread statistics which are made available to the Generic Arbitrage engine via the MetaTrader Global Variable Table. The STD Indicator is made up of several components which are detailed in the diagram below. STD Multiple - This parameter allows traders to tune the trigger levels for the arb entry points. The STD Multiple is adjusted by accessing the external input parameters for the STD indicator. Ideally traders should look to set the STD Multiple so that peaks in spread divergence coincide with the upper and lower trigger levels. In the screenshot below we can see the STD Multiple has been adjusted down to 0.7 on the Daily chart to coincide with typical peaks in spread divergence. Data Outputs - The STD indicator calculates the moving average (MA), the spread and the upper and lower trigger levels (based on the STD multiple) in real time. Reversion Target - The reversion target shows the level were the system will attempt to close the arb. By default the mean is always used as the arb exit target but traders can manually change to target to the opposite trigger band by changing the ReversionToMA external input parameter to FALSE in the STD indicator options. Trend - The trend indicator is based on a proprietory multi-timeframe stacked EMA algorithm. Traders can adjust up to 8 trend filters which calculate the trend based on multi-timeframe trend analysis. For example, a trader may prefers to trigger their arb trades from the 15 minute chart and may want to lock the trades in the direction of the M30, M60 and M240 trends. In this case the trader would simply set the M30, M60 and M240 TFilters to True as shown in the screenshot below. Data Check: This is a new feature which performs 4 data integrity tests on the spread when its loaded onto a chart initially. If the spread passes the integrity checks the OK data label will be shown. The arbitrage engine cannot place trades unless the Data Check flag reads OK The V3 Expert Advisor The generic arbitrage engines constantly monitor the MetaTrader global variable table for trade entry and exit data for the various arbs which the trader has set up on each chart. It is important to mention that each chart must have a seperate instance of both the STD indicator and the arbitrage engine running together. The screenshot below shows a complete Stat Arb V3 set up on a MetaTrader chart. Screenshot of the V3 EA and STD indicator on a MetaTrader chart. Note: No data is populated as its a weekend. The System Data Module The System Data module displays the current system time, which instruments are being traded, the system status, the system mode and the email alert status. For details explanations please refer to the Technical Data Sheet. RISK DISCLOSURE The products on this site are trading tools and are not intended to replace individual research or licensed investment advice. Die bisherige Wertentwicklung garantiert keine zukünftigen Ergebnisse. Trading currencies involves substantial risk, and there is always the potential for loss. No representation is being made that these products will guarantee profits or not result in losses from trading. Any explanation or demonstration of the products operation should not be construed as a trade recommendation or the provision of investment advice. The purchase or sale of a currency can only be performed by a licensed BrokerDealer. Automatic and manual profit targeting options On chart trade analytics Email alert facility (when run in non automatic mode) Granular trade timing controls Configurable risk control Automated Trend Detection and locking functionality Profit aggregation system Auto Hedging Feature Global lot sizing and aggregation targets Voice synthesis alert system Profit Locking Feature Variable Leg ALeg B Position sizing Multi-instrument support - Trade indices, commodities, forex, CFDs. More accurate reversion, channel and spread algorithms More accurate entry display logic Delayed Entry Control Multi-time spread trend detection algorithm Integrated spread data checking facility Revised Graphical Interface Simplified Trade Control Systems The products on this site are trading tools and are not intended to replace individual research or licensed investment advice. Die bisherige Wertentwicklung garantiert keine zukünftigen Ergebnisse. Trading currencies involves substantial risk, and there is always the potential for loss. No representation is being made that these products will guarantee profits or not result in losses from trading. Any explanation or demonstration of the products operation should not be construed as a trade recommendation or the provision of investment advice. The purchase or sale of a currency can only be performed by a licensed BrokerDealer. V3 Expert Advisor Interface Interface for V3 STD Indicator Unilateral Arb Trading Techniques The products on this site are trading tools and are not intended to replace individual research or licensed investment advice. Die bisherige Wertentwicklung garantiert keine zukünftigen Ergebnisse. Trading currencies involves substantial risk, and there is always the potential for loss. No representation is being made that these products will guarantee profits or not result in losses from trading. Any explanation or demonstration of the products operation should not be construed as a trade recommendation or the provision of investment advice. The purchase or sale of a currency can only be performed by a licensed BrokerDealer. Stat Arb V3 allows fully Automated unattended Arbitrage Trading from pre-configured charts Using Arbitrage techniques increases the likelihood of profitable trades (timeframe dependent) Stat Arb V3 provides a highly granular data set which allows traders to see the potential reversion profits from specific arb set ups prior to entering the market. Stat Arb V3 is a proven, robust trading toolset which has been iteratively developed since 2009. The products on this site are trading tools and are not intended to replace individual research or licensed investment advice. Die bisherige Wertentwicklung garantiert keine zukünftigen Ergebnisse. Trading currencies involves substantial risk, and there is always the potential for loss. No representation is being made that these products will guarantee profits or not result in losses from trading. Any explanation or demonstration of the products operation should not be construed as a trade recommendation or the provision of investment advice. The purchase or sale of a currency can only be performed by a licensed BrokerDealer. Performance Data: Please enter your email address below to receive the V3 performance data. Note: The previous performance is simply a representation of what can be achieved using the toolset. Ultimately, the system performance will vary considerably depending on which assets are traded, the timeframes and parameters used and the traders ability. The Stat Arb V3 system is simply a toolset to facilitate an automated arbitrage trading strategy based on a traders set of requirements. FX AlgoTrader DO NOT pass on email addresses to third parties. The products on this site are trading tools and are not intended to replace individual research or licensed investment advice. Die bisherige Wertentwicklung garantiert keine zukünftigen Ergebnisse. Trading currencies involves substantial risk, and there is always the potential for loss. No representation is being made that these products will guarantee profits or not result in losses from trading. Any explanation or demonstration of the products operation should not be construed as a trade recommendation or the provision of investment advice. The purchase or sale of a currency can only be performed by a licensed BrokerDealer. Data Sheet for Advanced Statistical Arbitrage V3 Please complete the details in the form below and click submit. You you then receive an email with a link to the Data Sheet FX AlgoTrader DO NOT pass on email addresses to third parties. Attachment contents - New Arb Trader refers to FX AlgoTrader arb tools as FxAlgo. FxAlgo was selected after an exhaustive search of the Internet for automated arbitrage software products that worked within the MetaTrader 4 trading environment. FxAlgo was then tested on four demo broker accounts for a period of two weeks trading FX products only. FxAlgo provided both a stable automated trading platform and a more than acceptable ROCE whilst under test. FxAlgo was then implemented on a live trading account and it has provided returns of over 48 on our initial equity injection over only a six day trading period. The support provided by the author and owner of FxAlgo both during the test period and since moving into live operation has been excellent the level of support we have experienced cannot be faulted. All requests for assistance by email have been answered almost by return and the owner has shown a keen interest in ensuring we were fully appraised of the best methods of applying FxAlgo to meet our trading objectives. The currency pairs we have traded were selected using FxAlgos Correlation Indicator which has been proven to be an extremely useful addition to the FxAlgo V2.5 trading engine. FxAlgo is being used by us to trade currency pairs on the H1 and D1 timeframes. The H1 timeframe was employed initially to gain a faster appreciation of FxAlgos operation and how to control its trading. Since gaining a basic appreciation of the FxAlgo V2.5 trading engine the D1 timeframe has been added and profits have increased as arbitrages in the D1 timeframe seem to offer generally higher profit margins, albeit that they take longer to close out. The standard trigger settings shipped with FxAlgo were initially employed to trigger arbitrage trades. These have been found perfectly adequate and have produced a more than acceptable ROCE. The EB variables recommended in the documentation shipped with FxAlgo work well and have proven to be extremely useful whilst getting to know FxAlgo. They control fundamental trading risk and are a useful extension to the V2.5 engine. We have employed FxAlgo in its stationery recoupling mode only. We currently trade FxAlgo across a substantial number of currency pairs and across two different time frames and have found FxAlgos Global Variables to be of invaluable assistance. These Global Variable allow us to manage risk and capital drawdown across our entire trading activity with consistency and ease. We manage individual trade risk by manipulating the extensive parameters provided on each currency pairs individual trading sheet. We have not experienced any errant spreads or any resulting errant trades as yet. The winloss ratio we have achieved to date is 6535. We have only employed FxAlgo in our FX trading to date. However, we have plans to extend our use of FxAlgo to Commodities and Indices trading after we have performed further tests against these two asset classes. We have found FxAlgo V2.5 and the Correlation Indictor to be not only excellent and robustly written software but also from a business perspective to have more than met our stated goals to date. We have also recently acquired the FxAlgo Zeus Risk Controller product but have not yet had time to test this product. The ROCE achieved in live trading (only 6 days to date) has already met the majority of the acquisition costs of both FxAlgo V2.5 and the Correlation Indicator and fully we expect the breakeven point to occur within the first 10 days of trading. New Arb Traders Equity Curve - Live Account The products on this site are trading tools and are not intended to replace individual research or licensed investment advice. Die bisherige Wertentwicklung garantiert keine zukünftigen Ergebnisse. Trading currencies involves substantial risk, and there is always the potential for loss. No representation is being made that these products will guarantee profits or not result in losses from trading. Any explanation or demonstration of the products operation should not be construed as a trade recommendation or the provision of investment advice. The purchase or sale of a currency can only be performed by a licensed BrokerDealer. How much can I make using Statistical Arbitrage EAs for MT4 How fast can you run. There are a lot of people looking for fire and forget trading systems which they can drop on a chart, sit back and watch their 50 initial equity grow into 10 Million in the first year. Ja. people really do believe tools like this exist and unfortunately theres no shortage of vendors happy to position their products as fulfilling these fantasies FX AlgoTrader are not one of these vendors. The Stat Arb EA tools on this site are tools NOT ROBOTS. They provide a rich arbitrage toolset which allows traders to automate their arb trading strategy on whatever timeframe they prefer. If youve never made a penny trading FX or other assets the chances of making money using arb tools, unfortunately, isnt high. They wont turn a losing trader into a winning trader but they will automate an arb strategy and provide solid risk control. How much you make will depend on how good you are as a trader. Some people can run faster than others - if youve got good equipment it makes the job easier Do you have backtest data for the arbitrage tools No. Unfortunately its not possible to backtest EAs in MetaTrader 4 which trade multiple pairs. I noticed the new version of the system has the option to vary the position sizes for each leg of the arb. How do you determine what the correct position size for each leg should be With small accounts trading micro or mini lots its not critical to make the legs balance. As the postion size increases this becomes more significant. For example any pairs which have USD as the quote currency eg majors such as EURUSD GBPUSD will have the same pip value. So a standard lot for EURUSD and GBPUSD will both have the same pip value of 10pip. If the arb pairs are made up of a cross such as EURJPY the pip value (based on todays rates) would be 12.88pip. So in order to make the legs balance we would need to reduce the position size of the EURJPY leg by 11.2880.78. So to create a balanced EURUSDEURJPY arb you would need to use 1 lot for the EURUSD leg and 0.78 lots for the EURJPY leg. If we reduce the position size to 0.1 lots (10,000- a mini lot) the position sizes would need to be adjusted to 0.1 and 0.078. So unless you had a micro account you would have to run two mini lots for both legs. Once you reduce the position size to micro lots the effect of balancing the arb becomes increasingly less significant. The easiest way to calculate the pip value is to use an online pip calculator Can I run the same arb on multiple timeframes Eg EURUSDGBPUSD on H1 and on M15 NO . Dont do this The arb products will only allow one unique instance of a particular arb to run. If you load the same arb setup on another chart it will confuse the internal variables used for trade management. The system will not behave logically as the two arbs will constantly overwrite the internal variables which could create erroneous trade behaviour. You can run any number of unique arbs on the MT4 platform using the tool - but they must all be unique. eg one instance of EURUSDGBPUSD or AUDUSDNZDUSD etc etc For advanced arb traders it is possible to create the same arb on a different timeframe by reversing the pair sequencing thus creating an inverse arb. Eg EURUSDGBPUSD on H1 and GBPUSDEURUSD on M15. However, the trader would have to control the trade direction of both arb setups by using the trend locking options. This approach can be used to hedge and also reduce drawdown on longer term arbs but this strategy is complex due to the skill required in closing the inverse arb component when long term mean revsersion takes place. Whats the difference between V2 and V3 Is V3 for medium to long term stat arb and V2 is simply for short-term stat arb V2 and V3 can be used on any period for short term or long term arbitrage. V3 is an enhanced version of V2 as it uses logs for the spread analysis which has many advantages such as dynamic profit targetting and a wide range of trader defined external input parameters. V3 is the logical progression from V2 and contains many trader requested enhancements. Do I need to be able to estimate the parameters externally to the model or does the product give them to me How would I go about ascertaining the correlations required Would these be MT4 indicators I just want to get a sense of the process involved in implementing the product. Both arb products have two components an Expert Advisor and an indicator. The indicator provides the statistical analysis component. V2 Arb products calculate the spread of the pairs by dividing one by the other, they then calculate the moving average (of the spread) then plot trader defined standard deviations either side of this moving average. The trade entry and exit thresholds are determined by the STD Multiple in the indicator (this can be adjusted by the trader) The trade entry thresholds (STDs) are set by eyeballing the typical departure from the mean before the spread recouples. Obviously timeframe and system parameters are critically important. 5 minute charts can show what looks like a stationary spread but this can change very quickly and become highly directional. On the other hand a weekly chart provides much more insight into the mediumlong term spread dynamics. Short term arbing is very difficult and its easy to get caught when the pairs decouple. This is often seen towards the end of the Asian session and near the Frankfurt open. As liquidity flows into the market spread can become directional over short timeframes. In terms of suitable arb pair selection you can use the FX AlgoTrader real time correlation indicator to select highly correlated arbitrage pairs on any timeframe. The V3 system uses a log spread algorithm which allows the trader to see the reversion potential in dollar terms. This allows traders to see the power of the longer term arb compared to short term arb trading. What knowledge do I need to know in order to use your Stab Arb product You would need to know about mean reversion, correlation, couplingdecouplingdivergence etc. You would need to understand that there are is no guarantee mean reversion will take place when you expect it to. I noticed that the default setting for the EA were 5 lots and 20 risk so I decided to reduce this to only .1 lot and like 5 which may or may not be a good idea. When I reloaded the template the settings reverted back to the default setting. Is it possible to get the default settings to be a lot less. so if for some reason I reload the EA and forget about the settings it doesnt blow the account The template will always use the default settings so if you wanted to change them and keep your modifications just create a new template called New Arb Settings or whetever you like. Then whenever you open the new template your modified settings will be used instead of the default settings. Whats the minimum account size for arb trading forex You could run arbs on a 500 micro account providing you keep the position sizing to a minimum. It would not be wise to run arbs on a mini acocunt with only 500 dollars in equity. Both V2 and V3 arb products can be run on micro, mini and standard MT4 accounts. Which timeframes have you found to be the best to trade arbs Hourly 5m Daily It depends on you and what you want to achieve if you like short term overnight arbs based on the Asian thin liquidity market then 5 minutes might be good for you. Alternatively if you like to make decent money without having to give the broker lots in spread costs - Daily charts would provide fewer trades with much larger profits for arbs which reverted to the mean. Generally the longer the timeframe the higher the profit. A customer made 1200 USD off a 5000 USD account in a week. The guy is an x-commercial trader so bear that in mind The tool is only as good as the trader in terms of picking the right pairs to trade and setting the right parameters. So, in summary, arb traders will need to experiment to find the best system settings which match their trading style, risk and general expectations. In general is this EA quite profitable. Whats the approximate ROI In terms of ROI its hard to say as it depends on which timeframe you trade. The potential profit is displayed by the EA under the Reversion Potential data label on the main chart. This figure is calculated on the difference between the current spread and its moving average. If the reversion target is set to the opposite band the potential profit will be substantially increased but the trader would need a full swing from one band to the other ie 1 to -1 STD or whetever trigger parameters the trader has defined. In terms of timeframe you can make a lot more money on longer term charts in comparison to short term high frequency arb trades. We dont produce ROI or equity curve data any more as the results will vary hugely from trader to trader. The tools only reflect the ability of the trader to select the optimum assets, timeframes and parameters to trade. It all goes back to how fast can you run :) The V3 seems to be closing some trades at a loss - how can this happen There are a number of reasons this could happen which are:- The arb trades have breached the maximum risk parameters and the system has auto closed both positions The system is being run in Aggregation mode and the daily profit target has already been achieved - once the profit target is hit the system will close out all open arbs - this could result in loss making arbs being closed automatically to protect your achieved aggregated target. The trader has set the arb entry points too close to the spread cost channel and the potential profit is so small slippage is tipping the PL of the arb negative during the arb close procedure. This can easily be solved by trading on longer timeframes andor increasing the STD multiple to move the trade entry further away from the spread cost channel. Can you help me understand why the EA has not closed a trade even though reversion has already occured This could happen due to the following reasons:- V3 can only close arb trades which are in profit. If your current arb is not in profit (possibly as it was opened on another timeframe) the system will not close the arb trades. The TradeOffTimeframe paramters are not enabled for this chart timeframe The arb trade has been hedged The system is DEACTIVATED Whats going on The Disable Gen Starb global variable has been set by the system. Press F3 to view the GVAR table - there are a few reasons this can happen which are:- 1)CloseAllTrades parameter is set to true. 2) The aggregated daily profit target has been achieved and auto reset is disabled 3) The account equity is below the minimum limit To resolve this problem go to the Global Variable Table in MT4 - press F3 - look for a global variable called Disable Gen Starb with a value of 1. If you delete the variable the system will reactivate. Does the system perform dynamic rebalancing At the moment there is no dynamic rebalancing. I have considered applying a scaling in system to allow the arb position to be increased if a spread continued to decouple this is similar to an averaging down approach but the leverage obviously increases with the position size thus increasing the risk of stop out if the net position PL reaches the maximum risk parameters set in the system. There are different schools of thought with regard to scaling inaveraging down. An alternative approach is to trade the opposite side of the arb on a lower timeframe which would create a dynamic hedge (to a degree) Additional Comment: Some V3 customers have been experimenting with a alternative approach to dynamic rebalancing in cases where an open arb trade is decoupling from its MA and creating a drawdown. Rather than rebalancing the lot sizing of the existing arb a new arb is set up which is the exact opposite of the current arb. For example if you had a 5 lot per leg EURUSDGBPUSD arb which was triggered off an houly chart you would set up a GBPUSDEURUSD arb running on a 15 minute chart and use the LockLong or LockShort parameters to force any new trades off the 15 minute chart to the exact opposite of the arb on the longer timeframe. This creates a perfect hedge and also allows reduces the drawdown as the shorter term arb will gradually eat into the drawdown created by the longer term decoupled arb. The principle is simply based on trading short term spread volatility seen on the shorter timeframe. This approach is not a guaranteed Get of jail free card but it can substantially de-risk positions where significant decoupling has taken place and in tandem reduce the magnitude of a potential loss. I use the FX AlgoTrader correlation indicator and I would like a system to trade when two conditions are met. They are: 1)Daily correlation is more than 75 2)5min correlation is less than -75. These condition are only met only a limited number of times per a day. Its very hard to wait all day in front of my PC. My question for you is. which of your products can identify negative divergencedecoupling when daily correlation is still above 75 in a day If so, what is the product The V2 or V3 arbitrage engine will do this if you set them up accordingly. The correlation indicator was designed to be used for arb traders to aid in their pair selection. So if youre criteria is daily correlation gt75 and 5 min correlation lt-75 you could set up the arb product on your 5 minute chart (probably easier to use an hourly actually) and then set youre STD multiple in the STD indicator so that your trade entry triggers were where you want them. You could do this visually and look to only trade the largest divergences each day.

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